-by Andrei Dorian Gheorghe
(from Spaceman Sazartinus’ Diary),
composed before 1990-
Photographs (2009): Valentin Grigore
Design: Florin Stancu

For the master of the planet Sango,
the subjects who disapproved him
were manipulated by obscure powers,
so their annihilation was necessary.
More, he ordered the quest of the causes
of the rebellions
in all the possible spaces
(on that planet and beyond it).
But, in spite of the actions of his official agents,
the sky did not want to fall,
the stars did not accept to be extinguished,
and the Universe refused to accept
to be arrested.
I mirror in the void
like in a water
ridden by my thought
Stellar vortexes open in it
and catch my soul
like in a trap
So I ask myself
if the words are chisels
for matter and energy
The wild shadows
of the rider
scare me
The stellar agglomerations
are strange geometries.
But nobody knows
the secret of the models.
Unaffiliated and hidden
beyond the speed of light,
the constellation Azdra,
an ashamed ricochet.
Sometimes hurried thoughts
see it like a chasm,
Azdra with cried shapes,
a bashful dimension
that silently withers
like a maiden without glory
or rather like an
avant-garde stellar geometry.
The Kilvs’ consciousness provoked
anomalous representations.
When they felt pain,
they thought they swam in honey.
When they saw birds,
they thought they saw stars.
When they limped,
they thought they flew.
When they saw a marsh,
they thought it was a cosmodrome.
More, they felt like in Paradise.
(My God, what a tragic syndrome!)
I was resting on an asteroid
when the magician Torbajan
threw strange glasses on my nose.
“The dense immensity that you see now,”
he said,
“is even time.”
Yes, it was something like
dusty, disordered and stupid lava,
which attacked me from all directions.
“You are panicky,”
continued Torbajan,
“so try to protect yourself with this shield.”
As hypnotized, I hid myself under a golden shine,
but ouch! , my hair turned grey,
my body wrinkled,
my knees shuddered…
“Only the good end does matter,”
I shouted,
“oh Torbajan, cursed humbug!”
There was a planet
on which the Impervious
tested strange forms of shake
There was a planet
which jumped out of its axis
The states of the sky pulsated much faster
day-night day-night
The queen-star glistened
more foreign, closer,
and more brilliant.
I cannot hide anywhere,
heavenly bodies surround me everywhere.
In exchange, I am an entity
from which the light disappears too frequently.
So… is the sad music
that I hear
just the jingle of the severe stars
collided by my enthusiasm?
“If I repeat at a macro level
what I can do at a micro level,
I shall become famous.”
said Ilch, an inhabitant of a modest planet.
And he threw stones to harmful birds -
for himself -,
then threw meteorites to meteors -
for the others.
And the entire world thought
he is the first specialist.
He scaled his own house -
for himself -,
then scaled the highest peak on the closest satellite -
for the others.
And the entire world thought
he is the first specialist.
He swam in a normal pool -
for himself -,
then began to swim in the void -
for the others.
But this time he remained
with a group of cosmic mermaids.
And the entire world thought that
it was a regrettable accident.

(din Jurnalul Astronautului Sazartinus)
Pentru stapanul planetei Sango,
supusii ce nu erau de accord cu el
erau manipulati de forte obscure
si trebuiau anihilati.
Iar pentru ca nu se multumea numai cu atat,
incepuse cautarea cauzelor rebeliunilor
in toate spatiile posibile
(pe acea planeta si dincolo de ea).
Dar, cu toata actiunea fortelor de ordine,
cerul se incapatana sa nu cada,
stelele refuzau sa se stinga,
iar Universul nu accepta
sa fie arestat.
Ma oglindesc in vid
ca intr-o apa
pe care gandul meu o calareste
Vartejuri stelare in ea se deschid
si imi prin sufletul
ca intr-un cleste.
Si atunci?
Sa fie cuvantul
o dalta in materie?
Salbaticele umbre
ale calaretului
ma sperie
Geometrii ne-ntelese
aglomerarile stelelor.
Cunoscut doar de ele
secretul modelelor.
Neconsemnata ascunsa
dincolo de viteza luminii
constelatia Azdra
ricoseu al rusinii
Numai ganduri grabite
o vad ca pe o genune
Azdra cu forme planse
pudica dimensiune
Se ofileste-n tacere
intimidata fecioara
sau poate avangardista
geometrie stelara
Constiinta kilvilor le provoca acestora
reprezentari anapoda.
Cand simteau durere
credeau ca plutesc pe miere.
Cand vedeau pasarele
credeau ca sunt stele.
Cand schiopatau usor
credeau ca se afla-n zbor.
Cand vedeau o mlastina, vai,
credeau ca-i un cosmodrom.
Plus ca se simteau ca-n Rai.
(Doamne, ce tragic sindrom!
Ma odihneam pe un asteroid,
cand magicianul Torbajam imi arunca pe nas
niste ochelari stranii.
“Imensitatea densa pe care o vezi,”
imi spuse el,
“este timpul.”
Da, era o lava gloduroasa,
dezordonata si stupida
care ma ataca din toate directiile.
“Ti-e frica,”
spuse Torbajam,
“protejeaza-te cu scutul acesta.”
Ca hipnotizat, m-am ascuns dupa o stralucire de aur,
dar vai, parul imi incaruntea,
trupul mi se zbarcea,
genunchii imi tremurau.
“Numai sfarsitul bun conteaza,”
am strigat,
“ah, Torbajan, farsor blestemat!”
Era o planeta in care
Nepatrunsul isi proba
ciudate forme de scuturare
Era o planeta care
isi sarise din axa
Starile cerului pulsau accelerat
zi-noapte zi-noapte
Steaua regina lucea
tot mai strain
tot mai aproape
Nu pot sa ma ascund nicaieri,
corpurile ceresti ma inconjoara peste tot.
In schimb, eu sunt o entitate
din care lumina dispare adeseori.
Si atunci,
muzica trista pe care o aud
sa fie zornaitul stelelor severe
de care ea se ciocneste?
“Daca repet la scara macro
ce pot face la scara micro
o sa ajung celebru.”
isi spuse Ilch, locuitor al unei planete modeste.
Si a aruncat cu pietre in pasari daunatoare -
pentru sine -,
apoi a aruncat cu meteoriti in meteori -
pentru ceilalti.
Si toti au crezut
ca este intaiul specialist.
Si-a escaladat propria casa -
pentru sine -,
apoi a escaladat cel mai inalt pisc al celui mai apropiat satelit -
pentru ceilalti.
Si toti au crezut
ca este intaiul specialist.
A inotat intr-o piscina normala -
pentru sine -,
apoi a inceput sa inoate in vid -
pentru ceilalti.
De data aceasta insa a ramas
cu niste sirene cosmice.
Si toti au crezut ca a fost
un accident regretabil.
© 2009 SARM
(Romanian Society for Meteors and Astronomy)