-by Dominic Diamant
alias Don Quixote of Dejhagascar-

M42 - Queen of the Nebulae
Painting by Ramona Achim
Whence does love come?
Is anybody who can tell me?
Whence this blessed inner star?
From what nebula? From what galaxy?
Oh, this cosmic energy,
This divine action
Is even the sense
Of the Creation.
-Andrei Dorian Gheorghe
alias Spaceman Sazartinus-
The Femina galaxy has bad intentions to me.
She has found that the bride of my soul
is not her, but Dulcinea,
and tries to take revenge on me.
she has set up a strong cosmic storm,
sending her astral spies
everywhere in the Universe,
and provoking incredible nebulae and colossal black holes,
irresponsible comets and giant rains of meteorites…
Alarmed by my sensors
and understanding that the unique way of salvation
is to plant myself into her nucleus,
I have acted all my latent energies
and my forces of prospection and investigation
to that direction,
a risky, but successful race against time.
confortably installed right in her burning core
(where no destructive force can touch me),
I savour my amazing victory
against the blistering jealousy
of the Femina galaxy.
But I don’t know how long
this will persist,
so I keep awake my centres of misinformation,
which provoke unpredictable disturbances,
while my messengers continue to look
for my real love.
I know that Dulcinea awaits me,
and, as Don Quixote of Dejhagascar,
I terribly burn for her.
I feel indebted to confess:
for me,
Dulcinea is the history of universal literature.
-de Dominic Diamant
alias Don Quijote din Dejagaskar-
Galaxia Femina mi-a pus gand rau.
De cand a aflat ca Dulcineea si nu ea e mireasa sufletului meu,
nemaiputand suporta un asemenea afront,
vrea sa se razbune pe mine in orice chip.
In acest scop a starnit o nemaivazuta furtuna cosmica,
trimitandu-si iscoadele astrale pretutindeni,
pana in cele mai ascunse unghere ale Universului,
declansand teribile nebuloase si colosale gauri negre,
si provocand comete iresponsabile si ploi uriase de meteoriti,
Din momentul in care senzorii mei mi-au transmis semnalele de alarma,
am realizat instantaneu ca nu exista alta cale de scapare decat sa ma infiltrez,
cu maxima precautie,
pana-n nucleul ei.
Zis si facut. Asa am si procedat.
Activandu-mi toate energiile latente pana la gradul maxim de functionare
si concentrandu-mi toate fortele investigative si prospective
in directia respectiva,
starnind si uriase fronturi destabilizatoare,
in toate directiile,
dupa o cursa infernala printre pericolele existente “la tot pasul”,
am izbutit, in sfarsit, imposibilul.
Acum, instalat comod chiar in miezul ei aprins,
unde nu ma poate atinge nicio forta distructiva,
imi savurez in liniste si voluptate uluitoarea victorie.
Care nu stiu cat va dura,
cat va dainui furibunda gelozie a Feminei.
Deocamdata, tot ce pot eu face e sa-mi mentin activi centrii de dezinformare,
provocand perturbari imprevizibile, cand intr-o parte, cand in alta,
iar in acest timp mesagerii iubirii mele sa-si continue prospectiunile
in cautarea adoratei mele Dulcineea.
Stiu ca ea ma asteapta
iar eu, Don Quijote din Dejagaskar,
simt cum ma topesc de dorul ei.
Va sunt dator cu urmatoarea confesiune:
pentru mine,
Dulcineea este istoria literaturii universale.
English version by Andrei Dorian Gheorghe
Design by Florin Stancu
© 2010 SARM
(Romanian Society for Meteors and Astronomy)