In 2007, June 9th, Master of Astropoetry was played as a sketch
during the 11th annual Astropoetry Show at the International Meteor Conference
in Bareges (France).
Here are some photos:

Andrei Dorian Gheorghe as Teller
Photo: Luke Bastiaens (Belgium)

Valentin Velkov (Bulgaria) plays guitar background
Photo: Luke Bastiaens (Belgium)

Sun, performed by Mariusz Wisniewski (Poland),
close to Moon, performed by Anna Wisniewska (Poland),
listens to Teller
Photo: Jean Marc Wislez (Belgium)

Guitar Player, Teller, Moon and Sun
Photo: Jeremie Vaubaillon (France)

Guitar Player,
Gert Barentsen (Belgium) as Orion
and Jean Marc Wislez (Belgium) as Taurus
Photo: Luke Bastiaens (Belgium)

Casper ter Kuile (Holland) as Winter Triangle
and Benny Geys (Belgium) as Summer Triangle
Photo: Jeremie Vaubaillon (France)

Nicolay Kolov (Bulgaria) as Jupiter
and Katia Koleva (Bulgaria) as Venus
Photo: Jean Marc Wislez (Belgium)

Denislava Zhivkova (Bulgaria) as Polaris
and Teller Andrei Dorian Gheorghe, who turns round her.
Photo: Jeremie Vaubaillon (France)
(Romanian version of the astropoem)
-Andrei Dorian Gheorghe-
"Ce poti sa-mi spui despre
Maestrul Astropoeziei?" -
m-a intrebat un prieten mai tanar.
"Nu cred ca ar putea fi
un barbat sau o femeie,"
i-am raspuns,
"ar trebui sa fie mai degraba
o fiinta cereasca.
Poate Soarele -
pilon stralucitor
al existentei noastre.
Poate Luna -
pictor auriu
al noptii.
Poate Orion sau Taurus -
cele mai bogate constelatii.
Poate Triunghiul de Vara
sau Triunghiul de Iarna -
binecunoscuti artisti
in geometrie celesta.
Poate Venus sau Jupiter -
mandri colectori de stralucire..."
"Ce spui despre
Steaua Polara?" -
m-a intrebat mai tanarul prieten
si a continuat:
"Este atat de modesta...
atat de discreta...
dar intreaga bolta cereasca
se invarte in jurul ei,
recitand versuri de lumina."
Part II and III Design: Florin Stancu
© 2007 SARM (Romanian Society for Meteors and Astronomy),
with the support of some members of the International Meteor Organization