-cosmopoems by Andrei Dorian Gheorghe
(from Spaceman Sazartinus’ Diary),
composed before 1990-
Photographs (2009): Valentin Grigore
Design: Florin Stancu

The condition of the success:
the frustration of the people.
The tyrant of a solar system
decided that a great inter-planetary football match
had to play without spectators and television.
But, I don’t know how,
a justiciary cosmic wind began to prowl the dictator
and, to his bad luck,
suddenly all meteors, all asteroids and all comets
transformed themselves into screens,
which transmitted vividly the event.
Even the body of the tyrant became the playing field,
his fingers became the teams,
and just his navel became the ball.
Only his ears vibrated
like broken satellites,
terrified by the noise of the frantic encouragements
shouted by his own mouth.
My wishes are frequently stopped
by too strong stars.
They come back to me,
luminous boomerangs
unveiling that
the impenetrable
can be constructive
and the impossible
can be evasive.
There were two planets at conflict.
The inhabitants of the first of them
were vulnerable to the sound of trumpets,
while the inhabitants of the second of them
were vulnerable to the boom of drums.
One day
the bravest representatives of the two planets
put corks in their ears,
took their musical instruments
and encountered on the same battle void.
The result was a real war
of phonic despair,
but because the corks were very resistant,
they ended by coming spitefully home.
“Exceptional concerto!”
said to me a Susunian,
who was also a neutral witness
and an enthusiastic amateur
of galactic folklore.
Vaendra was a galaxy of ideas
Mordant floating particles threw dense obstacles
My thought rode an intelligent asteroid
The quasars did not vibrate honestly
My asteroid deviated from the correct direction
Fast radiances unveiled grotesque masks
The asteroid exploded
My wounded thought went on
No stranger was accepted on Tockra,
the planet of the romantics,
if he did not know to dream.
For those persons,
the dreams were the essential raw materials,
which they extracted from stellar mines
as bases for their activities.
And the dream that
all worked perfectly
was the most beautiful.
There was an inter-stellar interval
in which giant hands were born,
with countless fingers,
with various nails.
Their movements touched the space travellers,
abducting their thoughts and intentions.
Then those hallucinating hands
disappeared in order to reappear in other forms,
just like the dynamic and intermittent pantomime
of a reason
bigger with a dimension.
“Phalva ordered that you must bow daily to me.”
said Schawin,
the intermediary between Viluans and their sacred star.
“Otherwise, Phalva will destroy all of you!”
Fearful, the Viluans intensified their humility.
“Phalva ordered that you must work more
in order to give me more.”
said Schawin.
“Otherwise, Phalva will destroy all of you!”
And the Viluans listened totally to him,
not to anger Schawin,
who was the messenger of the sacred star Phalva,
so that, on their planet,
he was even Phalva.
Your illusion was seen on a close planet
trespassing with other suggestions
Your illusion fell into a black hole
and was corrupted by darkness
What do you say to me
It is my illusion
I shall find it again
as pure as an astral argument
in a troupe of lights

(din Jurnalul Astronautului Sazartinus)
Conditia succesului:
frustrarea propriului popor.
Tiranul unui sistem solar
hotarase ca marele meci inter-planete
sa se desfasoare fara spectatori si netelevizat.
Dar, nu stiu cum,
un vant cosmic justitiar incepu a-i da tarcoale dictatorului
si, ghinion, deodata toti meteorii, asteroizii si cometele
se tranformara in ecrane
ce transmiteau cu vioiciune evenimentul in direct.
Insusi trupul tiranului devenise terenul,
degetele mainilor sale devenisera echipele,
iar mingea era chiar buricul lui.
Doar urechile sale vibrau
ca niste sateliti stricati,
ingrozite de zgomotul incurajarilor frenetice
iesite din propria lui gura.
Dorintele mele sunt oprite adesea
de stele prea puternice.
Apoi se intorc la mine,
luminoase bumeranguri
ca nepatrunsul
poate fi constructiv
iar imposibilul
poate fi evaziv.
Existau doua planete aflate in conflict.
Locuitorii uneia erau vulnerabili
la racnetul trambitelor,
iar ai celelalte
la exprimarea tobelor.
Intr-o zi,
reprezentantii celor doua tabere
si-au pus dopuri in urechi,
si-au luat instrumentele muzicale cu ei,
si s-au intalnit pe acelasi vid al luptei.
A rezultat un adevarat razboi
al disperarii sonice,
dar pentru ca dopurile si-au facut datoria de ambele parti,
ei au sfarsit prin a reveni inciudati acasa.
“Exceptional concert!”
mi-a spus un susunez,
martor neutru de asemenea
si mare amator
de folclor galactic.
Vaendra era o galaxie de idei
Aprige particule plutitoare aruncau obstacole dense
Gandul meu calarea un asteroid inteligent
Quasarii nu vibrau onest
Asteroidul meu devie de la cursul corect
Radianti grabiti dezvelira masti grotesti
Asteroidul exploda
Gandul meu ranit merse mai departe
Nici un strain nu era primit pe Tockra,
planeta romanticilor,
daca nu stia sa viseze.
Pentru locuitorii ei,
visele erau materia prima esentiala
pe care o extrageau din mine stelare
si pe baza carora functionau toate activitatile.
Iar visul ca
totul merge perfect
era cel mai frumos.
Intr-un interval inter-stelar
se nasteau maini uriase
cu nenumarate degete,
cu felurite unghii.
Miscarile lor naucitoare atingeau calatorii spatiali,
rapindu-le ganduri si intentii.
Se inghiteau apoi in sine spre a reaparea in alte forme,
ca pantomima dinamica si intermitenta
dintr-o ratiune
mai mare cu o dimensiune.
“Phalva a poruncit sa-mi faceti zilnic plecaciuni.”
spunea Schawin,
intermediarul intre viluani si steaua lor sfanta.
“Altfel, va va distruge!”
Buimaciti, viluanii isi intensificau umilinta.
“Phalva a poruncit sa munciti mai mult
ca sa-mi dati mai mult.”
spunea Schawin.
“Altfel, va va distruge.”
Si viluanii se supuneau orbeste
spre a nu-l supara pe Schawin,
care era mesagerul stelei sfinte Phalva,
si deci pe planeta lor
el era chiar Phalva.
Iluzia ta a fost vazuta pe o planeta indepartata
pacatuind cu alte sugestii
Iluzia ta a cazut intr-o gaura neagra
si s-a lasat corupta de intuneric
Ce-mi tot spuneti
Este iluzia mea
O voi regasi la fel de pura
ca un argument astral
intr-o herghelie de lumini
© 2009 SARM
(Romanian Society for Meteors and Astronomy)