


High redshift
blinding a galaxy -
take it easy, quasar…



stellar summer triangle
glory withdrawing



only eight now
it might have been twelve or more
certainly not nine

81 82 83



Moon in Aquarius
the “biggest” Full Moon
an eclipse as bonus



We look for life
in the Cosmos, but we destroy
terrestrial lives



dictatorship = parallel universe
THEN dictator = its vortex



Moon - Spica occultation
celestial dance
heralding the autumn

84 85 86 87



Someone thinks of you from
the other side of the world …
“Clear skies full of stars!!!”



south scorpion
parallel to the horizon -
inverse splendour



The Maiden to Terra:
“From now on the Sun is protected
by the Balance.”

88 89 90
81-Dominic Diamant (SARM) 82-Andrei Dorian Gheorghe (SARM) 83-Gerald England (U.K.) 84-Sorin Hotea (SARM) 85-Zigmund Tauberg (SARM)
86-Cristian Miala (SARM) 87-Gabriel Ivanescu (SARM) 88-Juan M. Semegone (Argentina) 89-Danut Ionescu (NZ) 90-Arnold Leinweber (SARM)