


Wow, a tsunami
with galactic waves.
Of course, the Big Bang…



Good evening: Mars, Saturn…
So fond revolutions…
See you in the morning, Jup...



low sunlight
north martian winter
a bumpy boulder

41 42 43



Belated snow eye -
the perfume of the spring
reflects the sky



Father of planets
Gravitational field
Gnome in the Cosmos



A vagrant meteor
passing and shattering
like a fugitive dream



C not D -
the First Quarter Moon is not a
liar in the south

44 45 46 47



A stellar traveller
walled something in the sky
forgetting even to burn



Very sleepy
still remaining to watch
the stars’ secrets



Creating astro-haiku -
you must certainly be
governed by Light

48 49 50
41-Dominic Diamant (SARM) 42-Andrei Dorian Gheorghe (SARM) 43-Gerald England (U.K.) 44-Iulian Olaru (SARM) 45-Arnold Leinweber (SARM)
46-Zigmund Tauberg (SARM) 47-Ovidiu Vaduvescu (South Africa) 48-Cristina Slovineanu (SARM) 49-Diana Mitrut (SARM) 50-Florian Saioc (SARM)