


Looking for
universal life’s mystery -
only ONE knows it



Mornings with the Moon,
strong Jupiter and nice Venus -
steps to the Sun



February night
next to the tropical Moon
Mars clearly

11 12 13



Listen to the sky -
in difficult times,
drink from its light



Out of my house
leaving to flow to the west
the tears of the stars



Sentinel and guiding light
watching in the north -
the Polar Star



Why do we fall?
Just for deluding the abyss
with love for stars?

14 15 16 17



Oh, our painful passing
over the map of the
ice pulsars



Following the light
I’ve become crazy
about sunsets



Halt in the galaxy;
we’ll search other spaces
carried by stellar winds

18 19 20
11-Dominic Diamant (SARM) 12-Andrei Dorian Gheorghe (SARM) 13-Gerald England (U.K.) 14-Iulian Olaru (SARM) 15-Dan Mitrut (SARM)
16-Zigmund Tauberg (SARM) 17-Cristina Slovineanu (SARM) 18-Adrian Sima (SARM) 19-Ion Moraru (SARM) 20-Arnold Leinweber (SARM)