-by Dominic Diamant--Photo 1 (Dominic Diamant at the Cosmopoetry Festival 1996,
Arts Showroom - Targoviste Mayoralty)
by Victor Bortas
-Photo 2 (Perseids 2007)
by Alexandru Conu
In 1973
Dominic Diamant published
The Ballad of the Falling Star in “Literary Romania”
on his real name Petre Vlad.
In 1996
he recited the same poem at the first edition
of SARM’s Cosmopoetry Festival in Targoviste.
I pass among the things, burning like a falling star
Strangely stolen by its road lost in the night
My deeply consumed inner world aches,
My assault begins through the light
Space sings for long, shaken after me,
Time shivers, spurred by a strange thrill in the sky,
The horizon touched by my flight starts brightening,
The nocturnal shadows convulsively toss and die
My extinction resounds over summits of mysteries,
A sweet fall into the arms of the gentle sleep-pawn,
Dreams of the deep world conduct on the moon
Secrets of the cosmic night to the coming dawn
Falling star I’ll be lost in the pulse of genesis
Like a quiver absorbed by an infinite song
And I don’t know if, in the worlds’ explosion,
I’ll be just a high rustle before long
In 2007 Dominic Diamant composed a remake of that poem, entitled
Nobody knows the number of stars
Of my luminous constellation
Nobody knows why it brightly passes
Or how the stars disappear if they leave traces
Falling star in their joyous rustles
I’m waving to the powdered gift
My being aches, I’m devoured by longing -
Is the road a fall? Is it a lift?
Falling star I’m burning and sinking
Into a boundless, fine call of light
My rays are tears that profoundly vibrate
My groans produce songs in the night
Trec printre lucruri arzand ca o stea cazatoare
straniu furata de drumu-i in noapte pierdut
lumea din mine, adanc mistuita, ma doare,
trecerea ei in lumina abia a-nceput
Spatiul canta-ndelung tulburat, dupa mine,
timpul tresare-mboldit de un tainic fior
zarile-atinse de zboru-mi incep sa lumine,
umbrele noptii se zbat in convulsii si mor
Stingerea mea peste culmi de mistere rasuna
-dulce cadere in bratele somnului lin-
visele lumii adanci dirijeaza pe luna
tainele cosmicei nopti catre zorii ce vin
Stea cazatoare, in pulsul genezei m-oi pierde
ca un fior absorbit de un cant necuprins,
nemaistiind, in explozia lumilor verde,
de-am disparut sau in freamat inalt m-am aprins
Nimeni nu stie numarul stelelor
din constelatia mea luminoasa
nici de ce bantuie stralucitor
nici cum dispar daca urma si-o lasa
Stea cazatoare in freamatul lor
undui spre pulberea renascatoare
totul ma doare ma mistui de dor
drumnul cadere e sau inaltare?
Stea cazatoare arzand ma afund
intr-o profuzie nemarginita
razele-mi lacrimi vibreaza profund
vaieru-mi cantec in noapte suscita
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