Text and photos Andrei Dorian Gheorghe
Design Florin Alexandru Stancu

In 2017 September 30
the image of a possible sun pillar,
which I took from the speed of a bus,
opened my road to the 1st edition of Bucharest Sci-Fi,
organized by the magazine “Science and Technique”
outside and inside of the National Library.

Accompanied by the sunset and the moonrise,
this festival of science fiction included
a lot of interesting exhibits and events,
and also an astronomy zone,
in which the Romanian Society for Meteors and Astronomy (SARM)
and other associations made their own stands.

I would say that this festival fully worked for me,
as both a member of the Science Fiction Poetry Association
(with the headquarters in USA)
and the cultural counselor of SARM.

On the second day of the festival I surrounded that zone,
developed in the current form after 2000
and placed close to Shepherd Bucur’s Church
(founded in the 15th century and remade in the 18th century)
on a bank of the Dambovita River,
which is named after the wife of the same shepherd,
the legendary founder of Bucharest.

And I tried something like a photographic poem,
“From Religion to Science Fiction”.

A few secrets of a real SF-ist are:
To remain hot,
To love the future and the Cosmos
And… to not become a robot!


© 2019 SARM
(Romanian Society for Meteors and Astronomy)