M31+M32+M100, M45, M42 + M43
Astro-photo-collage by Maximilian Teodorescu
The poetical description of the stars, of the whole universe…
Descrierea poetica a astrelor, a universului intreg…
-Victor Anestin (1875-1918,
Founder of “Flammarion” Romanian Astronomical Society)-
Pollution in the micro-cosmos… of great worth.
Poluare la mare… valoare.
-Mihai Parlea
(Romanian Society for Meteors and Astronomy-SARM)-

Over The Water Mirror, Behind The Clouds
Artwork: Calin Niculae (Romania)
This web project of the Romanian Society for Meteors and Astronomy-SARM
presents the laureates of a tournament dedicated to
100 years since Victor Anestin founded the first Romanian astronomical society
(presided by Admiral Vasile Urseanu)
and 90 years since he started to eternity.
Victor Anestin was not only the creator of the popularization of astronomy
as a cultural genre in Romania,
but also the author of the first Romanian Science Fiction novel (in 1899),
a promoter of astronomical poetry in his magazine Orion,
a prolific author of poetic essays on astronomy,
a translator from Shakespeare,
and the defender of a clean natural medium.
The rule of this tournament in the English language
has been given by Victor Anestin’s motto (the Romanian original version) above:
one-line astropoems with maximum 20 syllables,
adorned by celestial images as ecologic arguments.

Road To Stars
Artwork: Cristina Tinta (Romania)
This project also celebrates 15 years of existence
of the Romanian Society for Meteors and Astronomy-SARM
(the second national astronomical society in Romania’s history).
With special thanks to some members of the
Dutch Meteor Society, Auckland Astronomical Society and Bucharest Astroclub,
and to the project designer Florin Stancu.
Valentin Grigore (Founder of SARM)
and Andrei Dorian Gheorghe (Project Coordinator)-

“Millefiori” or Another Starry Night
Artwork (of glass): Arlene Carol Brill (Turkey,
born in U.S.A.)
Sometimes the wall of the light pollution scares me.
Sometimes I can still see islands of the sun.
-Valentin Grigore (President of SARM), photos and verses-
You don’t imagine what a talent rising like a star can do.
-Dominic Diamant (Romania)-

Excerpt of Chromosphere in 1990
Photo by Jean Dragesco (France, West Europe;
multiple international laureate for astrophotography; born in Romania)
Star anatomy. The most beautiful frenzy of the people.
-Ana Maria Scortan (Romania)-

Herbig-Haro 555 Area in Pelican Nebula (IC4050), Constellation Cygnus
Photo: Adrian Oradean alias“Kuky” (U.S.A., North America;
born in Romania)-
No astronomer can understand the fire stars if he doesn’t see the dew stars.
-Dan Mitrut (Romania)-

Horsehead Nebula in Orion
Photo: Alex(andru) Conu (Romania, East Europe)
Someday I’ll ride the Horsehead Nebula to meet the great astronomers’ spirits…
-Andrei Dorian Gheorghe-

Horsehead Nebula in Orion
Photo: David Moorhouse (New Zealand, Australasia,
Auckland Astronomical Society)
Live lightening like a nova, not like a black hole.
-Zigmund Tauberg (Romania)-

Rosette Nebula in Monoceros
Photo: Kenric Ma (New Zealand, Australasia,
Auckland Astronomical Society)
My friend says: “Write the astropoem!” Like a star in the heavens, I am trembling.
-Boris Marian-Mehr (Romania)-
-Calin Niculae (Romania), photo-art-works-
Stars against the night... never dance the same exact dance twice... relative (e)motion.
-Bruce Boston (U.S.A.,
the first Grand Master of SF poetry)-
Astropoetry is the mirror of the Universe’s beauty...
-Paul Roggemans (Belgium,
the main creator of the International Meteor Organization)-
in spite of your silence the birth of stars
-Deborah P. Kolodji (U.S.A.,
President of the Science Fiction Poetry Association)-

Ursa Major
Photo: Cristina Tinta (Romania)
The astropoet feels the cosmic aroma at the edge of the writing.
-Boris Marian-Mehr (Romania)-
I would live my moment like the king of a singing universe.
-Dominic Diamant (Romania)-
Have a good day, and goddess Urania to guide your way!
-Mirel Birlan (France,
astronomer at Paris Observatory; born in Romania)-

-David Turner (U.K.,
poet, and a guest of “UK Authors”)-
Attitude to astronomy and poetry - spark of a society.
-Andrei Dorian Gheorghe-
I love astronomy because it is different from all I know.
-Florin Stancu (Romania)-
Today astronomy becomes the slave of the machine too. Hopes? New horizons.
-Costel Birza (Romania)-

Photo: Zoltan Deak (Romania)

Sun with a Green Flash
Photo: Maximilian Teodorescu (Romania)

Sunset over Mauna Kea Observatories
Photo: Simona Vaduvescu (Hawaii;
born in Romania)
I am infirm, and You are infinite, my God. Two regrets in a sunset.
-Florian Saioc (Romania)-
I have all I need to force my substance to give light.
-Dominic Diamant (Romania)-
Earth… a small anomaly of the heavenly bodies.
-Ana Maria Scortan (Romania)-

Sunny Forest in Hawaii
Photo: Klaus Lowitz (Germany;
born in Romania)

Flying towards a Sundog
Photo: Dan Mitrut (Romania)

Climbing the Parhelia
Photo: Mihai Curtasu (Romania)
Moments that come are memories, and we are throbs of the Universe’s heart.
-Dan Mitrut (Romania)-
You Sun frequently read the people’s destinies among the meteors…
-Irina Cristescu (Romania)-
Solar eclipse with sunspots appearing/disappearing from/in the Moon’s back…
-Lucian Curelaru (Romania)-

Partial Solar Eclipse, 2008-08-01
Photo: Attila Soo (Romania)

Partial Solar Eclipse, 2008-08-01
Photo: Alex(andru) Conu (Romania)
Solar eclipse… we are still somewhat struck by beauty.
-Cis Verbeeck (Belgium,
counsellor of the International Meteor Organization)-
At the G8 conference where are the sun and the moon to sit?
-Mandy Smith (U.K.,
poet and organizer of poetry projects)-

Total Solar Eclipse over Novosibirsk, Siberia, Russia, Asia, 2008-08-01
Photo: Yasuhiro Tonomura (Japan,
Oriental Astronomical Society)

Total Solar Eclipse over Novosibirsk, Siberia, Russia, Asia, 2008-08-01
Photo: Catalin Beldea (Romania, “Descopera” magazine)
I have been a spectral appearance, better in cosmic roles.
-Dominic Diamant (Romania)-
The day and the night are shorter than love.
-Florian Saioc (Romania)-
We found our lush, green “sister world” was hiding Hell beneath her clouds.
-John Francis Haines (U.K.,
Leader of the Eight Hand Gang - British network of SF poets)-

Shelfcloud in the Netherlands
Photo: Jos Nijland (Holland;
Dutch Meteor Society)

Rainbow over Sighet
Photo: Sorin Hotea (Romania)

Lightning over Oradea
Photo: Tibor Vesselenyi (Romania)
I’d like to see a fireball through a break in clouds, far from the Moon…
-Mihai Parlea (Romania)-
After the Moon (a galactic flower) you recognize the next eclipse.
-Irina Cristescu (Romania)-
On the moon silvery craters dimple her bright smile.
-Marge Simon (U.S.A.,
Editor of Star*Line - the Journal of the Science Fiction Poetry Association)-

Moon over Asiatic Turkey
Photo: Sorin Hotea (Romania)

Moon and Mercury
Photo: Catalin Timosca (Romania)

Moon Parhelion
Photo: Ioan Agavriloaiei (Romania)
Was it a UFO, or a satellite? Finally, I went to drink a beer.
-Virgil V. Scurtu (Romania)-
Phisical dimension - space, volume, density… Eternal Dimension - wisdom.
-Cilian Andres (Romania)-
The Moon has always provoked a tide in my blood.
-Florian Saioc (Romania)-

Moon over North America
Photo: Konstantin Yakovlev (U.S.A.;
born in Russia)

Fantastic Moon
Photo: Calin Niculae (Romania)

Lunar Corona
Photo: Alex(andru) Conu (Romania)
You know, sky lovers… sometimes it's better to say nothing.
-Arnold Tukkers (Holland,
Dutch Meteor Society)-
I’d like to have my root not in the ground, but in the light.
-Florian Saioc (Romania)-
To communicate naturally something from the passion for skies to other souls…
-Gheorghe Vass (Romania)-
Blossoms are shouts calling the constellations to play.
-Dan Mitrut (Romania)-

Heavenly Blossoms
Photo: Gabriel Ivanescu (Romania)

M81 and M82 in Ursa Major
Photo: Radu Gherase (Romania)
Ascension… the highest yearning of a soul in love with the stars.
-Ana Maria Scortan (Romania)-
We live in a fractured world. It’s up to the artists to glue it back together…
-Larry Jaffe (U.S.A.
Founder and Coordinator of “Poets for Human Rights”)-
I had an astro-ecologic dream: the night sky was green.
-Gelu-Claudiu Radu (Romania)-
Eden is everywhere. Simply. But you must be there. Namely anywhere.
-Calin Niculae (Romania)-

A Tree in the Universe
Photo: Calin Niculae

Photo: Adrian Bruno Sonka (Romania)
On the open arms of a giant octopus, a lot of stars were blabbing.
-Siriusa (Romania)-
…those of us who dream about galaxies of infinite possibilities…
-Birgitta Jonsdottir (Iceland,
member of “Poets for Human Rights”)-
Heavenly flames, rainbow colors, and a galaxy hiding the Paradise.
-Nicoleta Petcu (Romania)
ahhhh Aurora… when your dust falls on the earth, no one complains…
-Arlene Carol Brill (Turkey,
born in U.S.A.)-

Aurora Borealis in the Netherlands
Photo: Casper ter Kuile (Holland,
Dutch Meteor Society)

Aurora Borealis in Canada
Photo-Collage: Victor Barbu (Canada;
born in Romania)

Aurora Borealis in Alaska
Photo: Yasuhiro Tonomura (Japan,
Oriental Astronomical Society)
In the Universe you are never alone because of it.
-Siriusa (Romania)-
I salute all those who have made history in astronomy!
-Mircea Pteancu (Romania)-
Hale Bopp's tail hovers another crop of early potatoes
-Gerald England (U.K.,
Editor of New Hope International)-
Only by giving love I’m able to climb a road purified in the light.
-Dominic Diamant (Romania)-
I adore planets, plus Perseus’ Double Cluster at the DSO chapter…
-Virgil Chiriac (Romania)-
broken pearl string, comet death-dives on Jupiter… sonar-blinded, dolphins strand!
-Steve Sneyd (U.K.,
Director of “Hilltop Press”)-

Photo: Adrian Bruno Sonka (Romania)
A tourist in a space hotel between Jupiter and Saturn, what a challenge!
-Andrei Dorian Gheorghe-

Photo: Catalin Mitu (Romania)
When I first saw Saturn with satellites, they seemed like a tiny solar system.
-Raul Truta (Romania)-
Who am I? A star lost in the Milky Way? A planet? Or the ceiling of a pub?
-Ion(ut) Moraru (Romania)-
Ceres’ asteroid kin tagged cosmic vermin, world-messing men’s potkettle abuse
-Steve Sneyd (U.K.,
Director of “Hilltop Press”)-
Sirius - the flashing god of the desert, semblances to our eyes.
-Nicoleta Petcu (Romania)-
Cassiopeia… I wrote a name in stars, a double u from them.
-Siriusa (Romania)-
While digging a distant world for signs of life, we struck oil.
-John Francis Haines (U.K.,
Leader of the Eight Hand Gang - British network of SF poets)-
I would put novae with clocks in your being…
-Lucian Boboc (Romania)-
ice moon the melt after orbit shift
-Deborah P. Kolodji (U.S.A.,
President of the Science Fiction Poetry Association)-
If asteroids don’t hit us, should we go to them for impacts?
-Cornel Apetroaiei (Romania)-
Have you been able to observe the last comet much? It is fading now…
-Alastair McBeath (U.K.,
Vice-President of the International Meteor Organization)-

Comet Holmes
Photo: Catalin Fus (Romania)
Comet Holmes… so beautiful… like an ice eye thrilling you.
-Felician Ursache (Romania)-

Comet Holmes
Photo: Yasuhiro Tonomura (Japan)
Does the comet know that the heavenly bodies are subject to natural laws?
-Paul Boboc (Romania)-

Comet Holmes near Mirphak
Photo: Maximilian Teodorescu (Romania)
Celebrating the high skies, a pure entity calls you to a photonic flight.
-Dominic Diamant (Romania)-
universe screams birth pains in microwave Big Bang hiss… we treed spoil heaps
-Steve Sneyd (U.K.,
Director of “Hilltop Press”)-
Without meteors for feast, my radioastronomic method is a mirage…
-Emil Pasculescu (Romania)-
Neutronic star… If we’d stuff too much matter, we’d have just a sea of quarks.
-Valeriu Tudose (astrophysicist in Holland;
born in Romania)-
Pegasus’ limiting magnitude: 1, 2, 3 … Shut-up! I’ve forgotten all! 1, 2…
-Vasile Micu (Romania)-
Red Giant, White Dwarf… Perfection in contradiction. Equilibrium of the Chaos.
-Ana Maria Scortan (Romania)-
Cold rock flies through the void to a green planet's Chicxulub.
(*Chicxulub is the site of the buried crater in the Yucatan,
left by the bolide that wiped out the dinosaurs
and forever changed the Earth's ecology.)
-David Kopaska-Merkel (U.S.A.,
Editor of “Dreams and Nightmares”)-
Through tornatoes of suns, I’m an actor programmed for a cosmic smash.
-Florian Saioc (Romania)-
Sometimes astral brides call us to dance.
-Dan Mitrut (Romania)-
If we’ve really lost some things, those are the Swan’s song and the Lyre touched by her wings.
-Dan Mitrut (Romania)-

North America Nebula in Cygnus
Photo: Cristina Tinta (Romania)
What can I say if the Americans have put their continent in the skies?
-Alex(andru) Conu (Romania)-

North America Nebula in Cygnus
Photo: Maximilian Teodorescu (Romania)
Family relations in the heavens. Are we like the celestial lights?
-Ana Maria Scortan (Romania)-
The Word belongs to God, and each of us is the Universe.
-Boris Marian-Mehr (Romania)-
Truly, the sky belongs to everyone.
-Emily Gaskin (U.S.A.,
Editor of “Astropoetica”)-
The world of suns and us? Life and death - abyssal errors.
-Florian Saioc (Romania)-
I hope that peace will come one day in tortured areas…
-Ilan Manulis (Israel,
a Section Director of the Israeli Astronomical Association)-
Who will be my last lawyer? The Sun? The Moon? Or one of the stars?
-Razvan Ciomartan (Romania)-
Go to the green grass and look at the heights. Clear skies!
-Doru Dragan (Romania)-
With my soul flying towards the stars, I’m purely and freely coming home.
-Dominic Diamant (Romania)-
More sky lovers at an observatory make a finer atmosphere…
-Ionut Toader (Romania)-
A Dobson telescope can refresh the passion for the heavens…
-Ruxandra Toma (Romania)-

Under Stars in West Virginia
Photo: Alin Tolea (astrophysicist in U.S.A.;
born in Romania)
The starry sky steps besides our reality.
-Claudiu Popa (Romania)-

Antares Zone in Scorpius
Photo: Maximilian Teodorescu (Romania)
Sometimes I feel myself, oh, God, like a sign in the space of the first day.
-Boris Marian-Mehr (Romania)-

M42 in Orion
Photo: Catalin Paduraru (student in Spain;
born in Romania)
I am finite for I am Man. I am infinite for I am Universe.
-Siriusa (Romania)-
We watch… Stars keep silent. Stars evolve… We die.
-Ana Maria Scortan (Romania)-
The Universe seems to me a cathedral assaulted by the darkness.
-Florian Saioc (Romania)-
Over petals and clouds, there are the time destiny and stars.
-Dan Mitrut (Romania)-
water more water they say there's water on Mars
-Deborah P. Kolodji (U.S.A.,
President of the Science Fiction Poetry Association)-
Syllables like thin caws among colored stars: Aldebaran!
-Borin Marian-Mehr (Romania)-
I have to test signals from the Cosmos. The moral: I’m still waiting for them.
-Victor Chifelea (Romania)-
Oh, old astrosaurus…
-Cilian Andres (Romania)-
Even if we would get lost in the light, other people will come after us.
-Dominic Diamant (Romania)-
A human brain - a microuniverse. How much of it is a dark nebula?
-Andrei Dorian Gheorghe-

Barnard’s “E” (Dark Nebulae in Aquila)
Photo: Eugen Florin Marc (Romania)
Alone, out of town, I feel I penetrate the Universe’s infinite depths…
-Kosa-Kiss Attila (Romania)-

Barnard’s “E” (Dark Nebulae in Aquila)
Photo: Alex(andru) Conu (Romania)
I act like the stardust drinking the decisive dream to pass through the darkness.
-Dominic Diamant (Romania)-

Barnard’s “E” (Dark Nebulae in Aquila)
Photo: Maximilian Teodorescu (Romania)
The star whispers syllables, we are words and phrases.
-Boris Marian-Mehr (Romania)-
I enjoy more the provincial skies…
-Iulian Olaru (Romania)-
Stars - helps of the Creator.
-Ana Maria Scortan (Romania)-
red stars’ black hole maw queue, Core’s canopy.. rainforest set to fall
-Steve Sneyd (U.K.,
Director of “Hilltop Press”)-
What luck: to look for the Moon and to discover… the Discovery shuttle!
-Oana Suciu (Romania)-
Celestial pole, axis of rains… Does it deserve to define time?
-Adriana Nicolae (Romania)-
no one ever accused a meteorite of polluting the earth… only humans do that.
-Arlene Carol Brill (Turkey,
born in U.S.A.)-
I’ve made decades of voluntary work for astronomy, for beauties I know…
-Erika Lucia Suhay (Romania)-
I look for the infinite, for starry Olympus, not in space, but in time.
-Stefan Berinde (Romania)
Infinity moans, thunders, topples; the star dies to give birth to a nebula…
-Eliza Trandafir (Romania)-

M8 and M20 in Sagittarius
Photo: Eugen Florin Marc (Romania)
A flower opens herself near the Creator. An angel closes his eyes.
-Claudiu Popa (Romania)-

M8 (Lagoon Nebula) in Sagittarius
Photo: Maximilian Teodorescu (Romania)
remorse is thrust in the stellar origin of the crying
-Adrian Sima (Romania)-
Navel connected to the shore - astral soul…
-Borin Marian-Mehr (Romania)-
Some people are points in the Universe. Others are commas - the creators.
-Ionel Catalin Diaconu (Romania)-
Lost in words getting stars into poetic accords...
-Paul Roggemans (Belgium,
the main creator of the International Meteor Organization)-
Astronomical phenomena that make us keep our eyes upward…
-Florian Ispas (Romania)-
Nothing from my world would disappear by passing to the quantic-stellar field.
-Dominic Diamant (Romania)-
We’d like to know shouts of crazy storms among stars, in places without destinies.
-Claudiu Popa (Romania)-
I don’t know if this evening I am lucky. The sky is cloudy.
-Cristina Ungureanu (Romania)-
Urania… I prefer her as an astronomical society.
-Dragos Brasov (Romania)-
Living on Earth, we dream of stars. Dying, we don’t want in the void.
-Zigmund Tauberg (Romania)-
All we need is hope. Long wings!
-Cristina Slovineanu (Romania)-

Total Solar Eclipse over Novosibirsk, Siberia, Russia, Asia, 2008-08-01
Photo: Catalin Beldea (Romania, “Descopera” magazine)
Dark day, luminous night, fascinating skies!
-Andrei Dorian Gheorghe-

Planetary Nebulae
Photo-Collage: Adrian Bruno Sonka (Romania)
Our life belongs to us. We belong to the stars. Do we deserve it?
-Ana Maria Scortan (Romania)-
I couldn’t study astronomy at the school because it wasn’t “productive”…
-Danut Ionescu (New Zealand,
Auckland Astronomical Society; born in Romania)-

Piercing the Clouds in Durban, South Africa
Photo: Ovidiu Vaduvescu (universal citizen
and Leader of the EURONEAR project; born in Romania)

Comet McNaught over Cape Town, South Africa
Photo (republished from “Comet McNaught Haiku”):
Lisa Crause (South Africa) and Liviu Ivanescu (born in Romania),
astronomers at Cape Town Observatory

Sundog in Antarctica
Photo: Juan Martin Semegone
(Asociation Argentina Amigos della Astronomia)

Imperial Penguins and Aurora Australis
Gong Hong Quing (China) and Ileana Bocanciu (Romania)

Magic Clouds over La Silla Observatory, Chile
Photo: Ovidiu Vaduvescu (universal citizen
and Leader of the EURONEAR project; born in Romania)

Sunset at CTIO, Chile
Photo: Alexandru Tudorica (Romania)

Galactic Center and Jupiter over Magellanic Telescopes, Chile
Photo: Alexandru Tudorica (Romania)

Magellanic Clouds over Chile
Photo: Alexandru Tudorica (Romania)

SWOPE Telescope, Chile
Photo: Alexandru Tudorica (Romania)

Milky Way above CTIO, Chile
Photo: Alexandru Tudorica (Romania)

Comet Boattini over Chile
Photo: Alexandru Tudorica (Romania)

Venus and Mercury among Polluted Clouds over New Zealand
Photo: Danut Ionescu (New Zealand,
Auckland Astronomical Society; born in Romania)

Comet McNaught over Auckland
Photo (republished from Comet McNaught Haiku): Grant Christie (New Zealand,
Auckland Astronomical Society)

Centaurus A Galaxy
Photo: David Moorhouse (New Zealand,
Auckland Astronomical Society)

Eta Carinae
Photo: Kenric Ma ((New Zealand,
Auckland Astronomical Society)

Kiwi and Palette
Photo: Kenric Ma ((New Zealand,
Auckland Astronomical Society)

IC2948 Region in Centaurus
Photo: Kenric Ma ((New Zealand,
Auckland Astronomical Society)

OGLE-2006-BLG 109L
Artwork: John McCormick (New Zealand,
Auckland Astronomical Society)
with the moral-astronomical support of his mother Jennie McCormick
(co-discoverer of this new solar system)
I like to live through the people’s happiness too (especially astronomic…)
-Danut Ionescu (New Zealand,
Auckland Astronomical Society; born in Romania)-
On 2008 July 23,
the Romanian Society for Meteors and Astronomy-SARM
celebrated 15 years of existence at the History Museum in Targoviste,
near Dracula’s (Chindia) Tower.
That was an occasion for other celebrations
(100 years since Victor Anestin founded
the first Romanian astronomical society,
100 years since Spiru Haret and Nicolae Coculescu founded
the first Romanian state observatory in Bucharest,
5 years since the American editor Emily Gaskin founded
the magazine Astropoetica in U.S.A., etc.)
and for a few commemorations
(Victor Anestin,
and a few personalities who participated at SARM’s “Perseids” Event:
Dr. Harald Alexandrescu, Dr. Elisabeta Radu and Costica Gheorghe).
Afterwards the astronomical caravan
started to the Vanatorul Complex in the Bucegi Mountains
for the 16th edition of the essential Event of SARM, “Perseids”,
the prologue of acting the national network
for observing the Perseid meteor shower maximum.

SARM’s “Perseids” Event in the Bucegi Mountains
Photo: Valentin Grigore (President of SARM)
Victor Anestin was a supernova
who studied Perseid meteors
in order to plant seeds of universal light
in every Romanian sky lover.
-Andrei Dorian Gheorghe-

Perseids 2008 over the Bucegi Mountains
Photo: Alexandru Tudorica (Romania)
Interplanetary dust seen as meteors in August...
-Paul Roggemans (Belgium,
the main creator of the International Meteor Organization)-
Perseids - it seems like the shafts of the sky carry princes…
-Diana Maria Ogescu (Romania)-
Astropoetry attracts many other people, who become interested in astronomy…
Donald Collins (U.S.A.,
teacher of astronomy at “Warren Wilson” College, Asheville, North Carolina)
With his fire blood, Perseus catches fire in the sky: meteors playing.
-Ovidiu Cioroianu (Romania)-

Perseids 2008
Photo: Catalin Timosca (Romania)

Perseids 2008
Photo: Alex(andru) Conu (Romania)
I’d like to give a “scientific” and “non-scientific” view of meteors…
-Jeremie Vaubaillon (France,
astronomer at Paris Observatory)-
Summer star, fast meteor, you are a note in the stellar stave.
-Irina Cristescu (Romania)-
I think that SARM’s astroartistic efforts are very important…
and represent a great joy for people.
-Victoria Collins (U.S.A.,
amateur astronomer)
The longing flies from Perseus to Cepheus and to everybody’s star wish.
-Bogdan Calin (Romania)-
SARM’s “Perseids” concept involves a so rich astroverticality…
courses, conferences, travels, observations, photographs and
- even if sometimes astronomy seems like a multitude of figures and technical words -
the enthusiasm created by astropoetry!
-Damien Simon (France,
amateur astronomer)-
Those wonderful people and their flying poems…
-Catalin Mares (Romania)-
Passing meteorically through the Cosmos, will we leave memories?
-Zigmund Tauberg (Romania)-
SARM’s “Perseids” Event -
a meeting between the subtle profundities of our micro-universes
and the surrounding macro-universe…
-Daniela Stoica (Romania)-
Romanian astropoetry, universe of eternity...
-Paul Roggemans (Belgium,
the main creator of the International Meteor Organization)

Perseids 2008
Photo-collage: Laurean Chisiu and Eugen Florin Marc (Romania)

Perseids 2008
Photo: Mihai Curtasu (Romania)

Perseids 2008
Photo-collage: Catalin Paduraru (Romania)

Perseids 2008
Photo: Alexandru Tudorica (Romania)

Perseids 2008
Photo-collage: Vlad Dumitrescu (Romania)
(Lines in the memory of Dr. Harald Alexandrescu - 1945-2005 -,
former coordinator of “Admiral Vasile Urseanu” Bucharest Municipal Observatory
and a great friend of SARM’s “Perseids” Event)
The real veterans of the “Perseids” are those who glance at the sky
every time when they have this occasion,
even in jest, even if no meteor passes.
Social standings, astronomical qualifications, photographic equipments,
age, religion, ethnicity… do not matter for us.
We are those who unconditionally wonder at an eclipse, at an occultation, at a comet
or at the light of every fireball.
We are those who find in any celestial passing a reason to meditate, to amuse, to sing,
to feel inspired by nature and by the friends around us.
We are those who note astronomical observations and try to take photographs
in order to mark the phenomenon, even if sometimes
we are just in the place where, through a natural law, nothing happens.
Applauses and respect for everybody.
Finally, I propose that the first fireball during SARM’s “Perseids” Camp
to be named after Dr. Harald Alexandrescu,
who is among us and admonish us for every missed meteor.
-Mihai Parlea (Romania)-

Perseids 2008
Photo: Catalin Paduraru (Romania)

Perseids 2008
Photo: Alex(andru) Conu (Romania)
The exoplanets should have their Perseid meteors too…
-Ec.Vasile Turcu (Romania)-
-Calin Niculae (Romania), photo-art-works-

M8 and M20 in Sagittarius
Photo: Maximilian Teodorescu (Romania)
Certainly, Chiron’s science has transformed some of his arrows into nebulae.
-Andrei Dorian Gheorghe-

M8 and M20 in Sagittarius
Photo: Kenric Ma (New Zealand, Australasia,
Auckland Astronomical Society)

Photo: Laurentiu Alimpie (Romania)
Sweet show: Vega, Deneb, Altair - Summer Triangle swims in Milky Way.
-Andrei Dorian Gheorghe-
Once a beggar touched the Milky Way with his forehead.
-Nicoleta Petcu (Romania)
Milky Way’s magic grindstone spins in glory… cur tooth-greed grinds life to dust
-Steve Sneyd (U.K.,
Director of “Hilltop Press”)-
Milky Way - initiatory road of the people.
-Ana Maria Scortan (Romania)-

Photo: Eugen Florin Marc (Romania)

Photo: Laurean Chisiu (Romania)
If a meteor lowers from the Milky Way, it should be named a “milkoid”.
-Andrei Dorian Gheorghe-

Photo: Alex(andru) Conu (Romania)

Photo: Maximilian Teodorescu (Romania)
Milky Way - the first love story between us and the Cosmos.
-Ana Maria Scortan (Romania)-
Today it’s hard to see clear skies with the Milky Way leaving traces on Earth…
-Mihai Cuzic (Romania)-
From the Great Chariot, George starts to Mary, following the Slaves’ Road.
-Dimitrie Olenici (Romania)-
I hope in a clean Universe because I don’t want to wash the Milky Way.
-Andrei Dorian Gheorghe-

Milky Way over Chile, South Hemisphere
Photo: Alexandru Tudorica (Romania)
Our life is a moment of the stars. Should we desire eternity?
-Ana Maria Scortan (Romania)-

All Sky
Photo: Kenric Ma (New Zealand, South Hemisphere,
Auckland Astronomical Society)
(dedicated to 100 years since Victor Anestin founded
the first Romanian astronomical society,
and to SARM’s 15 years of existence):
Bruce Boston, Marge Simon, Deborah P. Kolodji, David Kopaska-Merkel, Larry Jaffe, Emily Gaskin, Donald Collins, Victoria Collins, Konstantin Yakovlev, Adrian Oradean “Kuky”, Alin Tolea (all from U.S.A.),
David Turner, Mandy Smith, Steve Sneyd, John Francis Haines, Gerald England, Alastair McBeath (all from U.K.)
Grant Christie, Kenric Ma, David Moorhouse, Jennie McCormick, John McCormick, Danut Ionescu (all from New Zealand),
Jos Nijland, Casper ter Kuile, Arnold Tukkers, Valeriu Tudose (all from Holland),
Jeremie Vaubaillon, Damien Simon, Jean Dragesco, Mirel Birlan (all from France),
Paul Roggemans and Cis Verbeeck (both from Belgium),
Lisa Crause and Liviu Ivanescu (both from South Africa),
Arlene Carol Brill (Turkey), Klaus Lowitz (Germany), Birgitta Jonsdottir (Iceland), Ovidiu Vaduvescu (Chile), Juan Martin Semegone (Argentina), Ilan Manulis (Israel), Yasuhiro Tonomura (Japan), Gong Hong Quing (China), Simona Vaduvescu (Hawaii), Victor Barbu (Canada),
Maximilian Teodorescu, Mihai Parlea, Calin Niculae, Dominic Diamant, Alex Conu, Dan Mitrut, Zigmund Tauberg, Boris Marian-Mehr, Cristina Tinta, Florin Stancu, Costel Birza, Zoltan Deak, Florian Saioc, Ana Maria Scortan, Mihai Curtasu, Irina Cristescu, Lucian Curelaru, Attila Soo, Catalin Beldea, Sorin Hotea, Tibor Vesselenyi, Catalin Timosca, Ioan Agavriloaiei, Virgil V. Scurtu, Cilian Andres, Gheorghe Vass, Gabriel Ivanescu, Radu Gherase, Gelu-Claudiu Radu, Adrian Bruno Sonka, Siriusa, Nicoleta Petcu, Mircea Pteancu, Virgil Chiriac, Catalin Mitu, Raul Truta, Ion(ut) Moraru, Lucian Boboc, Cornel Apetroaiei, Catalin Fus, Felician Ursache, Paul Boboc, Emil Pasculescu, Vasile Micu, Eliza Trandafir, Razvan Ciomartan, Doru Dragan, Ionut Toader, Ruxandra Toma, Claudiu Popa, Catalin Paduraru, Victor Chifelea, Eugen Florin Marc, Kosa-Kiss Attila, Iulian Olaru, Oana Suciu, Adriana Nicolae, Erika Lucia Suhay, Stefan Berinde, Adrian Sima, Ionel Catalin Diaconu, Florian Ispas, Cristina Ungureanu, Dragos Brasov, Cristina Slovineanu, Alexandru Tudorica, Ileana Bocanciu, Diana Maria Ogescu, Ovidiu Cioroianu, Bogdan Calin, Catalin Mares, Daniela Stoica, Laurean Chisiu, Vlad Dumitrescu, Ec. Vasile Turcu, Laurentiu Alimpie, Mihai Cuzic, Dimitrie Olenici
POSTHUMOUS LAUREATE: Victor Anestin (1875-1918)
ORGANIZERS: Valentin Grigore, Andrei Dorian Gheorghe
and the Romanian Society for Meteors and Astronomy-SARM
Special thanks also to Alexandru Sebastian Grigore, Cristian Daniel Grigore,
Mariana Grigore (Valentin Grigore’s sons and wife)
and Steliana Gheorghe (Andrei Dorian Gheorghe’s mother)
for their support.
Additional Note:
This web project was presented during the Astropoetry Show (Astroshow)
of the International Meteor (Organization) Conference
in Sachticka, Slovakia, 2008 September 20,
on Teacher Petre Toma's music.
© 2008 SARM
(Romanian Society for Meteors and Astronomy-SARM)