Late Twilight
Astrotipurituristic Image (Computer Art) by Calin Niculae



A speck of dust,
as in the dawn of time,
bringing the building blocks of life,
a meteor's light falls on us,
so that man can stand tall
and, spread out on four legs,
sense we live among galaxies.

O pata de praf,
ca in zorile timpului,
aducand blocurile creatoare ale vietii,
lumina unui meteor cade pe noi,
astfel incat omul se poate ridica
din desfasurarea-i pe patru labe,
simtind ca traim printre galaxii.

-Peter Jenniskens (U.S.A.; born in Holland)-

As the Chief Scientist of NASA’s Leonid Mission
dedicated to that magnificent meteor shower re-activated by
the return of Comet 55P/Tempel-Tuttle in 1997,
Dr. Peter Jenniskens included in the program of the famous international
Leonid Multi-Instrument Aircraft Campaign Workshop
-Tel Aviv, Israel, April 2000-
a SARM astropoetry show, which was ended with
Andrei Dorian Gheorghe’s following astrotipuritura:

Leonid shower, attire
My soul from your divine fire!

Leonide, dati-mi din
Focul vostru cel divin!


Roar(adiant) of the Heavenly Lion
Astrotipurituristic Image (Computer Art without a graphics package) by Ioana Voiculescu-Mitrea


The “tipuritura” (from “tipat” in Romanian = scream)
is the shortest poetic form in Romania,
created in the northern region of Maramures-Oas
to be screamed at folkloric parties.

In 1930s,
inspired by the tragicomic spirit of the tipuritura,
Stan Ioan Patras founded the “Merry Cemetery” in Sapanta
(also in the Maramures zone)
by realizing artistic works
and writing short humorous poems on its tombs.

After 1995,
Andrei Dorian Gheorghe adapted astronomically this poetic species,
published an essay, “Tipuritura - A Kind Of Romanian Haiku”,
in “The Art of Haiku 2000”
(edited in U.K. by Gerald England and New Hope International),
and performed a few own astrotipurituras at:
-the International Cosmopoetry Festival during
SARM’s “EuRoEclipse Perseids” Event 1999 in Targoviste (Romania);
-the Astropoetry Show (Astroshow) of the
International Meteor Conference 1999 in Frasso Sabino (Italy);
-NASA’s Leonid Multi-Instrument Aircraft Campaign Workshop 2000
in Tel-Aviv (Israel).


Andrei Dorian Gheorghe performing an astrotipuritura,
rhythmically accompanied by the participants at the Astroshow of the IMC 1999
Photo: Valentin Grigore

The World Astrotipuritura Championship
has the following rules:
1. Each work must have two rhymed lines.
2. Each line must have seven or eight syllables.
3. Each work must have an astronomical content.
4. Each work must include (gallows) humour.
Some literary-artistic-astronomical exceptions
from the technical strictness of the rules
(especially including two main elements per work)
would also be interesting.


Total Solar Eclipse - Romania, 1999
Astrotipurituristic Image (Photo-Collage) by Zoltan Deak

The finalists of the first World Astrotipuritura Championship
have been invited by the organizers generally after
their achievements in astropoetry (astronomical poetry)
in the last years
and particularly after
their attitude to SARM’s astro / cosmo-poetic activities,
on a side,
or represent the most important people
who have marked SARM’s Cosmopoetry Festival history,
on the other side
(the Romanian Society for Meteors and Astronomy-SARM
being the authority which patronizes this World Championship).

All astrotipurituras and connected works are presented in two languages:
-English (official for the foreign guests);
-Romanian (official for the finalists from SARM’s country),

the Romanian translations from the English
and the English translations from the Romanian
being made by Andrei Dorian Gheorghe.


Annular Solar Eclipse - Spain, 2005
Astrutipurituristic Image (Photo-Collage) by Cristina Tinta

The World Astrotipuritura Championship signifies
the end of an era of 12 years in astropoetry organized by SARM
(plus 6 previous years of quests of Andrei Dorian Gheorghe’s cosmopoetic group),
and is dedicated to the memory of Costica Gheorghe (1927-2007),
who used to improvise humorous two-line poems
(inspiring the birth of the astrotipuritura during SARM’s Cosmopoetry Festival),
was a great friend of the astropoets and sky lovers,
and had a major role in the existence of SARM’s astropoetry movement
(as its particular secretary).

The Pleiades - In Honour of Tata Costica
(a construction of stone, glass, ceramic and other miscellaneous bits of flotsam and jetsam)
by Arlene Carol Brill (Turley)

The World Astrotipuritura Champion
will be announced in the end of this web site.

Before that, here are two introductory astrotipurituras
by the organizers of the World Astrotipuritura Championship:


I live in the Milky Way,
But some Wine would be O.K.

Traiesc in Calea Lactee,
Dar din Vin as face-Alee.

-Andrei Dorian Gheorghe
(Costica’s son)-


In the sky, the sun feels better
As a natural radiator.

Soarele-i zilnic pe cer
Natural calorifer.

-Steliana Gheorghe
(Costica’s wife)-

Costica Gheorghe and Steliana Gheorghe
at the Merry Cemetery in Sapanta, 1981




Let’s Start!
Astrotipurituristic Image (Photo-Collage) by Gabriel Ivanescu



Mars passes through the Great Bear
Is there anybody there?

Marte langa Ursa Mare:
“Cineva-i acolo oare?”

-Gerald England
(Editor of “New Hope International”
and Honorary Member of the International Writers & Artists Association)-


Comet so proud of fine new tail,
So scared will tear on planet nail

Speriata-i mandra cometa:
Coada-si rupe de-o planeta

Asteroid this time just missed Earth
“Catch you later” grins in mirth

Asteroid ratand sfera:
“Mai vin eu!” - ranji spre Terra

Sauron fled Mordor for skies -
“Saturn next stop, more rings my prize!”

Goana-n spatiul supus vremii,
Cercuri de Saturn drept premii

“Turn back, turn back, we’ve gone too far,
There be dragons round this quasar”

“Hai inapoi, drumul nu-i clar,
Pot fi zmei lang-acest quasar”

-Steve Sneyd
(Director of “Hilltop Press”
and Editor of “Data Dump” -
Science Fiction/Fantasy/Horror/Dark Fantasy Newsletter)-


Red sky at night the shepherd
Hoisted by his own petard

Cioban la cer insangerat
De-a sa petarda inaltat

-Mandy Smith
(poet and co-organizer of international haiku projects)-


The Moon hangs pale above the trees -
Is it really ripe, green cheese?

Luna peste pomi se pierde -
O fi coapta branza verde?

I wonder if there’s life on Mars?
Do they drive around in cars?

Ma-ntreb de-i viata pe Marte.
Au ei masini ca la carte?

Missed! The asteroid whizzed past;
Unfortunately, not the last.

Asteroid scos din turma.
Pacat ca nu-i cel din urma.

-John Francis Haines
(Leader of the “Eight Hand Gang” - British network of Science Fiction poets,
and Editor of “Handshake”)-


Astrotipuritura With Double Lines

Right now the time is pressing, the sun is lowering fast,
The bitter world is mocking “All is darkness at the last".

Astrotipuritura Cu Versuri Duble

Acuma timpul ne preseaza si soarele apune.
Lumea amar mocneste: “Tot intunericu-i pe bune”.

-Geoffrey H. Grayer
(member of the International Meteor Organization)-


The Blue-White marble out in space
Got too warm so ended our race.

Marmura alb-neagru-n cosmos
Ne-a intors rasa pe dos.

-David Turner
(poet, and a guest of “UK Authors”)-


Astrotipurituristic Observations (November 2007)

The Leonids passed behind solid overcast here,
though I managed to follow Comet Holmes until
the Moon got too close this past weekend,
when the bright sky and hazy/misty nights meant
I lost it even in the binoculars…

I’ll certainly try again once the Moon moves away,
But the comet seemed to be fading fast anyway.

Observatii Astrotipurituriste (Noiembrie 2007)

Leonidele au trecut aici prin spatele unui strat gros de nori,
si cu toate acestea am hotarat sa urmaresc Cometa Holmes pana ce
Luna s-a apropiat prea mult in acest ultim weekend,
cand cerul stralucitor si noptile cetoase au insemnat
ca am pierdut-o chiar prin binoclu…

Voi incerca s-o revad cand Luna se va-ndeparta,
Dar vai, oricum se ofileste repede cometa!

-Alastair McBeath
(Vice-President of the International Meteor Organization)-


Titan 2
Astrotipurituristic Image (Computer Art) by Calin Niculae



I flew too close to a black hole.
Now falling is my only role.

Spre-o gaura neagra zburai
Si-acum doar cad. In iad sau rai?

I spent a week on Mercury
and now I'm human fricassee.

Pe Mercur, turist cu-o basca
Si-azi… friptura omeneasca.

-Bruce Boston (Florida,
the first Grand Master of Science Fiction poetry)-


I thought Astrotipuritur chaotic
No, I have just been myopic

Gandeam Astrotip... haotic
Nu, doar ca eram miopic.

-Larry Jaffe (Florida,
Founder and Coordinator of “Poets for Human Rights”;
a century ago, some of his ancestors
came from Romania to the United States)-


He waits until the stars are right
At last he dines on you tonight

Astepta stelele bine
Ca sa cineze cu tine

Outside the port immensity
That comes between my love and me

Dincolo de portul imens
Dintre iubirea-mi si non-sens

Someone's aiming asteroids
The last one's name was Fatter Boy

Spre asteroizi a tras;
Ultimul, Baiatul Gras

No more landfills that's our goal
All we need is one black hole

De-atat pamant si vreme grea,
O gaura neagra am vrea.

The mystery of meteors
Creator shoots and then he scores

Misterul unui meteor
E orchestrat de Creator

-David Kopaska-Merkel (Alabama,
Editor of “Dreams and Nightmares” - the magazine of fantastic poetry)-


Paradoxistic Mini-Astrotipuritura

Cosmic unknown
Yet known… own…

Cosmic necunoscut
Totusi… recunoscut…

-Florentin Smarandache (New Mexico,
Founder and Coordinator of “Paradoxistic Literary Movement”;
born in Romania)

Pluto's planet time is up,
Now he's just a Disney pup.

A expirat Pluto, ehei,
Si-i doar o mascota Disney.

She caught a comet by the tail
Got voidsick and became quite pale.

A prins un codoi cometar
Si-a devenit de-un palid clar.

His outhouse on an asteroid
He strained till he was most annoyed

(…He strained till he was most annoyed
And wound up with a hemorrhoid!)

Cu casa-i pe-un asteroid
Totu-i parea prea insipid

(…Totu-i parea prea insipid
Si si-a tras un hemoroid!)

-Marge Simon (Florida,
Editor of “Star*Line” -
the Journal of the Science Fiction Poetry Association)-


Who said I was unable
To Milk the Way, Cain or Able?

Sa pun Lapte-n Cale, rebel.
Cin’ nu vrea? Cain sau Abel?

Starlight starbright first star I see tonight,
Wish I may wish you might

get the h*** out of the way of my perfect <in>sight.

Lumina stelara, diseara
Sa dam raul afara

problema din viziunea < vaz / intuitie > mea interioara.

Spread across the galactic shining sea
was the man with no name or famous fable
for she was caught smiling, holding the smoking gun,
catching pieces of him under the breakfast table.

(Might that be a new constellation?)

Imprastiat de-a lungul stralucitoarei mari galactice
era barbatul fara de nume sau de legenda faimoasa
fiindca femeia fusese prinsa zambind, tinand arma fumeganda,
cu piese din el sub masa.

(Ar putea fi o noua constelatie?)

-Anna Ruiz (Ohio,
member of “Poets for Human Rights”)-


Under the Great Chariot we live
With feet on Terra. So active…

Suntem de sub Carul Mare
C-un Pamant pe sub picioare.

-Alin Tolea (Maryland, U.S.A.,
astrophysicist at John Hopkins University, Baltimore;
born in Romania)-


Astrotipurituristic Story

My daughter Arden has recently acquired her first tooth,
and she is quite insistent that everyone personally feel
the terror of her mighty fang.
We took her out to watch the recent lunar eclipse.
During the previous total lunar eclipse,
she was still waiting to be born,
so it seemed fitting to give her a view
from the other side.

Poveste Astrotipuriturista

Fiicei mele Arden i-a aparut recent primul dinte,
si e de-a dreptul insistenta ca fiecare sa cunoasca personal
teroarea puternicului ei colt.
Am luat-o cu noi sa vada recenta eclipsa de luna.
In timpul precedentei eclipse totale lunare,
ea inca astepta sa fie nascuta,
asa ca aceasta a parut ca o pregatire in a-i oferi o viziune
din partea cealalta.

-Emily Gaskin (Florida,
Editor of “Astropoetica”)-


Dance of a Lunar Eclipse
Astrotipurituristic Image (Photo-Collage) by Eugen Florin Marc



Mars is male and Venus female,
What about the Earth, did it fail?

Venus dama, Marte barbat,
Iar Pamantul… e un ratat?

Shooting stars inspire a wish,
Will Leonids turn all foolish?

Meteorii nasc dorinte.
Leonidele, credinte?

Once Pluto was planet nine,
Now just rock to re-define!

Candva, Pluto-a fost planeta.
Azi, doar roca indiscreta.

Years of search for planet ten,
Thought but not seen by any men.

Cercetari: planeta zece.
Dar nimeni pe ea nu trece.

Space junk swings around the Earth,
Marking mankind with such dirt.

Oh, reziduri spatiale,
Ce ne marcheaza cu jale.

Fireballs produce light so bright,
Disturbing good night eyesight.

Bolizii, lumini cu soapte,
Deranjand vazul de noapte.

Dreaming of impacting stones,
Dropped from bed right on my bones.

Visand pietre impactate,
Am cazut din pat pe spate.

Exploring space was a race,
But of the winner no trace.

Explorand spatiul, o cursa.
Despre-nvingator, n-am sursa.

Planets turn around the sun,
A cosmic dance just for fun?

Prin jur de soare, planete.
Dans cosmic sau etichete?

Perseids, Saint Lawrence’s tears,
Meteors bottled as blond beers.

Perseide, lacrimi de sfant
Si bere blonda pe Pamant.

-Paul Roggemans (Belgium,
the main creator of the International Meteor Organization)-


Storm in The Heavens
Astrotipurituristic Image (Artistic Drawing) by Cristina Tinta



I don’t really want to bore ya,
With so many tipuritura.

(I always want to do your bidding
But this time I’m really kidding.)

Cand va astrotipuresc,
Nu vreau sa va plictisesc.

(Vreau doar sa va fiu pe plac
Si, glumind, sa va impac.)

Waiting for the Milky Way
I don’t have much time to play.

(Tugging me away from work
Slink outside to sit and lurk.)

Asteptand Calea Lactee,
De joc nu mai am idee.

(Ma sustrag si de la munca
pentru-a cerului porunca.)

Looking up at the evening sky
I am wishing I could fly.

(I have always wanted to be
Like a comet, only more free.

Free to go where I wanted
Able to move, undaunted.

Flitting around the cosmos
Close to the sun, I am toast.)

La cer cand ma uit cu dor,
Tare mult as vrea sa zbor.

(Mi-am dorit a fi, ce fala!,
O cometa liberala.

Libera sa merg oriunde,
Decisa, pe orice unde.

Prin cosmos, o zburatura,
Spre soare, o prajitura.)

Something’s falling, glowing red
Whoops, it’s hit me on the head!

(I have the strangest theory
About the falling stars I see.

They are beings coming back
To complete a task they lack.)

Ceva cade-n rosu trap,
Ma loveste drept in cap.

(Am teorii izbitoare
Despre stele cazatoare.

Sunt fiinte ce revin
Sa mai stea cu noi putin.)

See the flash across the sky
Don’t dare blink or it goes ‘bye.

(Oh great things so astronomic!
Makes life here seem very comic

Planned all week just for the chance
To watch the stars come out to dance.

Clouds roll in and spoil the view
Nothing left for me to do.

Impossible as it seems,
Nothing left by sighs and dreams.

Plans I made have turned to pain
Cloudy skies all filled with rain.)

Vezi luciri in cerul mut,
Nu ne-orbesc si spun “salut”.

(Oh, mareata-astronomie!
Viata e-o comicarie.

Te planifici pentr-o sansa
De-a vedea stelele-n transa.

Norii insa ne blocheaza
Seara, noaptea si-n amiaza.

Viziunile-s inchise,
Numai suspine si vise.

Ba mai mult, norii, o droaie,
Ne umplu pe toti cu ploaie.)

Fast bright lights speed far from me
Beings from a galaxy?

(Far beyond my reach or scope
Waiting for their signs of hope.

Life exists so far away
Why not come down here to play?)

Lumini grabite sa fie
Fiinte din galaxie?

(Cand vad atatea scantei,
Astept semne de la ei.

Insa viata lor maiastra
Nu coboara-n joaca noastra.)

I think the time is coming soon
To buy a home upon the moon.

(If not the moon, then somewhere else
I need to try to save myself.

Our air is foul, our waters stink
Nothing left to eat or drink.

We need to act in rapid haste
Before we turn our planet waste.

Each night I search the brilliant sky
To find an asteroid to buy.

With this great plan I’ve often toyed
I want to buy an asteroid.

I’ll pack up all that I do own
And relocate to a new home.)

Vremea este tocmai buna
Sa-mi iau o casa pe luna.

(Sau poate altundeva
Sa incerc a ma salva.

Aerul si apa-s rele.
Cand consumi, numai belele.

Trebuie lucrat in graba,
Terra pare o cocioaba.

Asa ca mi-as lua din vid
Macar un asteroid.

Mi-as da intreaga avere
Sa il iau inca-n putere.

L-as impacheta cu greu,
Dar ar fi refugiul meu.)

-Arlene Carol Brill (Turkey,
poet and haiku author;
some of her ancestors were Romanians during the Ottoman Empire)-


New Clothes for Crater Copernicus
Astrotipurituristic Image (Surrealist Photo-Processing) by Maximilian Teodorescu



Double stars in Ursa Major
Talk too much and provoke terror.

Stele duble-n Carul Mare
Niste tate barfitoare.

-Simona Vaduvescu (Hawaii,
amateur astronomer;
born in Romania)-


Astrotipuritura With Double Lines

Clear skies! A few young stars of a globular cluster
Drink glasses of nectar in honor of their master.

Astrotipuritura Cu Versuri Duble

Stelele adolescente dintr-un roi globular
S-au adunat sa ciocneasca un pahar de nectar.

-Andrei Burghelea (Hawaii,
nuclear engineer;
born in Romania)-


Heavenly Story
Astrotipurituristic Image (Surrealist Photo-Processing) by Florian Severin



Arrows from the sky, my sons (wow!)
Neptunus, Delphin, yet I rule the bow.

Sageti din cer, Neptun, Delfin -
Baietii mei. Eu arcul tin.

-Birgitta Jonsdottir (Iceland,
poet and artist, member of “Poets for Human Rights”)-


Astro-Photo Simulation
Astrotipurituristic Image (Surrealist Photo-Processing) by Alexandru Conu



Hemisphere with feet up. Crazy!
But… how otherwise could I be?

Cu picioarele-n sus. Zbanghiu!
Cum altfel ati vrea voi sa fiu?

-Danut Ionescu (New Zealand,
member of Auckland Astronomical Society;
born in Romania)-

Lunar Southern Rhapsody
Astrotipurituristic Image (Photo-Collage) by Danut Ionescu



A deadly comet coming here
Filled the dinosaurs with fear.

Cometa mortala-a venit,
Pe dinozauri i-a scrantit.

-David Asher (U.K.,
astronomer at Armagh Observatory, North Ireland,
and Counsellor of the International Meteor Organization;
he also worked at observatories in Australia and Japan)


Solar activity. A lot
Of unexpected spots. Too hot!

Activitate pe soare:
Pete-n latitudine mare!

-Ovidiu Vaduvescu
(double doctor in astronomy - in his native country Romania and
in Canada -, working now at the international observatories
in the Ands Mountains, Chile)-


American (Astrotipurituristic) Memories 2006

I went with some friends in the mountains close to Los Angeles to watch
the Perseid shower in mid-August, but the halo of the light pollution was
still very strong and I saw 10 meteors at best, for 3-4 hours of observations,

so I was a bit

My sister and my cousin came here to visit me in early September
and we spent a night under the stars close to Lake Meade,
the total trip being more than a thousand miles (maybe 2000 km),

but it was fantastic to be
in nature with my family.

Amintiri (Astrotipurituriste) Americane

Am fost cu cativa prieteni in munti aproape de Los Angeles sa privim
Perseidele in august, dar haloul poluarii luminoase era inca foarte puternic
si am vazut cel mult 10 meteori in 3-4 ore de observatii,

asa ca m-am trezit
putin dezamagit.

Sora si verisoara mea m-au vizitat in septembrie si am petrecut o
noapte sub stele aproape de Lacul Meade,
calatoria totala fiind de mai mult de o mie de mile (poate 2000 km),

dar a fost chiar fantastic, zau asa,
in natura, cu familia mea.

-Jeremie Vaubaillon (France,
astronomer at Paris Observatory,
California Institute of Technology and Spitzer Science Center)-


C/2005 K2 Linear
Astrotipurituristic Image (Technical Drawing) by Eliza Trandafir



In April 2000, Andrei Dorian Gheorghe and Valentin Grigore
presented an original Romanian astropoetry show
at NASA’s Leonid Multi-Instrument Aircraft Campaign Workshop in Tel-Aviv,
ended with Andrei’s Leonid Tipuritura.
This small SARM team was successively hosted by
Ilan Manulis (a section director of the Israeli Astronomical Association)
and Emmanuel Schwalb (a famous ophthalmologist
who has operated many people of all religions).


Astrotipuritura Witness / Martor La O Astrotipuritura
(excerpts from correspondence / fragmente de corespondenta)

Valentin Grigore, Dr. Ilan Manulis and Andrei Dorian Gheorghe in Cesarea (Israel)
Photo: Valentin Grigore

I think your astropoetry show at the Leonid Workshop
was very beautiful
and the people were very impressed….

…Yes, that was an unforgettable period -
not only for you but also for me!
I still remember fondly your visit here
and our long time together,
a period I will always treasure and return to in my thoughts
with affection.
What a time it was, Doru and Valentin!

…But who knows -
our paths may cross once again…

Cred ca spectacolul vostru de astropoezie de la Workshop-ul Leonid
a fost foarte frumos
si oamenii au fost foarte impresionati…

…Da, aceea a fost o perioada de neuitat -
nu doar pentru voi, ci si pentru mine!
Inca imi amintesc in mare vizita voastra aici
si timpul petrecut impreuna,
o perioada pe care o voi pretui mereu si la care ma voi intoarce
in gandurile mele cu afectiune.
Ce timpuri au fost, Doru si Valentin!

…Insa cine stie -
caile noastre s-ar putea incrucisa candva din nou…

-Ilan Manulis (Israel;
in 2000, the International Astronomical Union
named after him an asteroid discovered by David Levy and Shoemakers;
his parents lived for a short time period in Romania)-


In Order To See The Light / Pentru A Vedea Lumina

Doc Emmanuel “Tucu” Schwalb operating Andrei Dorian Gheorghe in Rishon Le Zion (Israel)
Photo: Valentin Grigore

Quality and beauty from inside
Versus shame and cynicism from outside.

Calitate si frumusete interioare
Versus rusine si cinism exterioare.

-Emmanuel Schwalb (Israel,
born in Romania)-


Jos Nijland (1), Arnold Tukkers (2) and Casper ter Kuile (4) - near a Slovenian astronomer
Photo: Jos Nijland (Holland)

During the Astroshow of the International Meteor Conference 2005
in Oostmalle (Belgium),
three astronomers from the Dutch Meteor Society
performed an act by Andrei Dorian Gheorghe,
on a Romanian musical folkloric background
with classical tipurituras for wedding parties,
in which they played three fireball-dragon-men of different magnitudes,
fallen in love with the same earthly girl.

Jos Nijland, Casper ter Kuile and Arnold Tukkers
playing the act with tipurituras at the Astroshow of the IMC 2005
Photo: Jean-Marc Wislez (Belgium)




We’re kids, in spite of poetry’s
Philosophical gravities…

Suntem filosofi si copii
Cu gravitatie-n poezii…

-Gheorghe Scripca (1930-2002)-


Astrotipurituristic Dramatic Scenario

Stellar winds without bodies
Have started to make studies…

“Do the stars feel good by walking?”
“Is any pulsar revolting?”

“Is any star more powerful?”
“Did any white dwarf become fool?”

A cluster of stars gives good beams
As glow-worms for the children’s dreams.

Only Twin Brothers are upset
With Dogs, which barked after sunset.

Scenariu Dramatic Astrotipuriturist

Vanturi stelare, hoinare,
Au pornit in cercetare…

“Cum se simt stelele-n bolta?”
“Ce pulsar se mai revolta?”

“Care stea e mai voinica?”
“Cine-a devenit pitica?”

Un roi stelar de licurici
Vegheaza somnul celor mici.

Doar Gemenii sunt suparati
Fiindca de Caini au fost latrati.

-Arnold Leinweber (1920-2006)-


Two young astro-actresses at a SARM astropoetry gala in Targoviste, 2002
Photo: Valentin Grigore



When meteors pass over me,
I jump to catch them hopelessly.

Cand meteori pe cer apar,
Sar ca sa-i prind si ei dispar.

The Moon is a wheel in the sky,
But you see it as a mince pie.

Luna-i mare cat o roata.
Tu o vezi placinta lata.

Small Equuleus is neighing,
In Chariots wanting to sing.

Equuleus, c-un nechezat,
Spre Carul Mare a cantat.

Earth Hour 2008 (Spirit Of Astrotipuritura)

If you switch off the light, you switch on a star, and more…
Maybe the generous sky gives you a meteor.

(That was happened at us too,
we saw a superb and slow fireball of -6 magnitude
- white, blue, then a strong flash, then red,
and finally white-bluish again…-
and it was not just a simple meteor,
but a fireball of our old friends the Virginids…)

Ora Pamantului 2008 (Spirit De Astrotipuritura)

Cand stingi un bec, se aprinde o stea. Incearca si tu, usor,
Si poate cerul te rasplateste cu un meteor!

(Aceasta s-a intamplat si la noi,
am vazut un superb bolid lent de magnitudine -6
- alb, albastru, apoi un flash puternic,
apoi rosu si alb-albastrui din nou…-
si nu a fost un meteor oarecare,
ci un bolid al vechilor noastre cunostinte Virginidele...)

-Valentin Grigore-


ISS and Jules Verne ATV over Dracula’s Targoviste (Chindia) Tower
during the Earth Hour 2008 time interval
Astrotipurituristic Image (Event Photo) by Alexandru Sebastian Grigore

(precursor of SARM’s astropoetry movement)


My friend’s mind was black and white:
He used to ride a satellite.

Aveam un amic ametit
Ce calarea un satelit.

-Victor Chifelea-


The Pencil Of An Astropoet (Named Andrei Dorian Gheorghe)

Dear astropoet so true,
Papers suffer under you…

Povara Unui Astropoet (Pe Nume Andrei Dorian Gheorghe)

Astropoet, condei vrajit,
Hartia mult a patimit…

-Bogdan Ioana
(now established in U.S.A.
as an engineer at Boeing in Washington State)-


Astrotipurituristic Reply To A Message
From Andrei Dorian Gheorghe
(who wrote:
“It’s a hard winter in my Romania,
so I have thrown a snow ball like a fireball to your California.”)

I just received your email.
Snow ball? Not even its tail!


I am terrified of your elements:
So many astro-physic-poetic-scenic talents!

Replica Astrotipurituristica Pentru Un Mesaj
De La Andrei Dorian Gheorghe
(care a scris:
“Pe la noi a inceput o iarna grea,
asa ca am aruncat un bulgare de zapada ca un meteor spre California ta.”)

Bulgarele tau nu a
Ajuns, dar emailul da.


Sunt ingrozit de talentele colosale
Astro-fizico-poetico-scenice ale matale!

-Mircea Bodea
(now established in California, U.S.A.)-

To My Friend Andrei Dorian Gheorghe

Do you write astropoetry?
I think it is astrofolly!

Prietenului Andrei Dorian Gheorghe

Tu scrii astropoezie?
Eu cred ca-i astroprostie!

-Constantin Huth-


War of Constellations
Astrotipurituristic Image (Computer Art) by Adrian Macinca



An antique observatory
Without Meade telescopes. Sorry!

Dacii-aveau observatoare,
Dar fara Meade-uri, he-he-he!

-Gelu-Claudiu Radu-


My proud gaze, on heat or frost,
In the sea of stars is lost.

Ah, privirile-mi rebele
Se-neaca-n marea de stele.

-Cristina Slovineanu-


Here on Earth and there in the sky,
All is ours when verses fly.

Ici si colo-n universuri
Totul e-al nostru prin versuri.

-Paul Boboc-


We don’t see the Cosmic Tree.
It only is, certainly.

Nimica nu se vede,
Copacul Cosmic doar e.

-Adrian Sima-


I count the stars out of town
And dream to make you a crown.

Stele numar pe o mana
Am un vis, sa-ti fac cununa.

-Irina Cristescu-


Seeds carried by the clouds warning:
The light blossoms in the morning.

Seminte purtate de nori.
Lumina-ncolteste in zori.

-Iulian Olaru-


I look for my love, oh father,
Just from a star to another.

Imi caut iubirea mea
Tot umbland din stea in stea.

-Razvan Ciomartan-


Sweetheart, see you (what a glory!)
Soon at the observatory.

Draga, de tine mi-este dor,
Ne vedem la Observator.

-Diana Maria Ogescu-


Line I: 1.Listening to the World; 2.Clear Skies;
Line II: 3.Moon; 4.Ciel de Dieu
Astrotipurituristic Collage (Computer Art) by Diana Alexandra Ardelean (schoolgirl)

(seat of SARM’s main astropoetry galas since 2000)


Human, logic, giving pleasure,
Any lunette is a treasure.

(The history of the “Lunette of Braila” is very old.
I read about it in a text by the first great popularizer of astronomy
in Romania, Victor Anestin <1875-1918>,
in which he also told about the mysterious character who utilized it,
“a man with brown tresses”.
I met that character in 1950s,
when he had white tresses.
Every evening when the sky was clear,
he used to install his lunette in the middle of Bucharest,
and for many years
that was the main connection of the Romanian public
with the stars…)

Umana si necesara,
O luneta e-o comoara.

(Istoria “lunetei din Braila” este foarte veche.
Am citit despre ea intr-o relatare a primului mare popularizator
de astronomie din Romania, Victor Anestin <1875-1918>,
precum si despre personajul misterios care o utiliza,
“un tip cu parul castaniu”.
Eu l-am intalnit cand avea pletele complet albe,
pe la mijlocul secolului trecut.
Isi instala luneta in centrul Bucurestiului
in fiecare seara senina
si, pentru multi ani,
aceea a fost principala legatura cu astrele
a publicului romanesc…)

-Harald Alexandrescu
(1945-2005, posthumous participant;
Coordinator 1984-2005 of Bucharest Municipal Observatory)-


A Falling Star over “Urseanu” Bucharest Municipal Observatory
Astrotipurituristic Image (Photo-Collage) by Catalin Paduraru


Memories on astronomy,
Doubtful on astropoetry…

(I saw a fireball; it’s true.
Its explosion was blue, so blue…

Vi Eight Three Eight Monocerotis.
What a sexy name it is!

I saw a comet as a hope
At least through my telescope!)

Amintiri de-astronomie
Confuze pe-astropoezie…

(Vazui bolidu-n fereastra.
Explozia-i albastra-albastra…

Ve Opt Trei Opt Monocerotis.
Ce nume sexy! Ca un vis…

Cometa s-a vazut bine
Macar in telescop la mine!)

An Advise On A Rare Kind Of <Non->Glitter:

Do not miss the eclipses of the satellites of Jupiter!

Un Sfat Pentru Iubitorii De Cer:

Nu ratati eclipsele satelitilor lui Jupiter!

-Adrian Bruno Sonka
(Coordinator of Bucharest Municipal Observatory since 2005)


 Ice Bridge
Astrotipurituristic Image (Computer Art) by Calin Niculae



That’s a place with clear skies, honey,
But the fisc asks for more money…

Am vrut o fereastra cu cer
Si-“organele” chirie-mi cer…

-Ion(ut) Moraru-


Through antennas and satellites,
People roar to be heard by lights.

Chiar si prin antene-or sateliti,
Oameni zbiara sa fie-auziti.

-Stefan Berinde-


A mortal with problems, but sees
A lot of endless galaxies.

Muritor cu probleme mii,
Dar gandu-i merge-n galaxii.

-Lucian Boboc-


Venus and Jupiter - bright cons.
Constellations - just pale icons.

Luceferi, sclipici frenetic.
Constelatii, cor bezmetic.

-Vasile Micu-


Canis Major, M41…
…think of a summer sleep. Well done!

Canis Major si-un roi-mama
Ca spre vara sa-l adoarma.

-Adrian Negoescu-


Darkness. The echo of the light?
Then why should I sleep in the night?

Intuneric. Ecou luminii?
Atunci de ce as adormi?

-Mircea Alexandru Popa-


Looking For Exoplanetary Sceneries On Earth
(on SARM’s Anatolian Eclipse 2006 expedition)

Cautand Peisaje Exoplanetare Pe Pamant
(cu prilejul expeditiei Eclipsa Anatoliana 2006 a SARM)

I’m sportive: I prefer “all inclusive”.

Am de spus… ca prefer “totul inclus”.

-Felician Ursache (photo and verse)-


Crazy Star Song I (Astrotipurituristic Suite)

Oh fascinating quasars
Dusted by vagabond stars

Here’s a star without a scope
Playing crazy games of hope

(Crazy games of dusty milk
In the gods’ heavenly silk)

In the heights, by her strange rays,
The prod star disturbs the ways…

Cantec De Stea Nebuna I (Suita Astrotipuriturista)

Alelei quasarii mei
Prafuiti de derbedei

Iat-o stea lucind coltos
Care joaca lapte-gros

(Lapte-praf si lapte-gros
In gradina lui Christos)

Iat-o… intr-un fel sau alt
Steaua umbla la inalt

Crazy Star Song II (Astrotipurituristic Suite)

Proudly passing in the sky
The star twists and does not cry

(What a charm oh what a flight
Maybe she’s a beast of light)

Cantec De Stea Nebuna II (Suita Astrotipuriturista)

Trece steaua ca pe ape
Cu unduiri la supape

(Unduiri de trestie
A luminii bestie)

Crazy Star Song III (Astrotipurituristic Suite)

The star ate my shoes - an action
By infrared radiation

(I felt like going to red
With a nova in my bed)

Cantec De Stea Nebuna III (Suita Astrotipuriturista)

Steaua mi-a mancat galosii
Cu-ale sale infrarosii

(Iara eu valeu plangeam
Parc-aveam o nova-n geam)

Crazy Star Song IV (Astrotipurituristic Suite)

The magnetic field is long
Just like a violin song

The stellar ray is so strong
That the Chaos hears: ding-dong

Cantec De Stea Nebuna IV (Suita Astrotipuriturista)

Camp magnetic dintr-o seara
Care canta la vioara

Steaua detine o raza
Ce pe Haos il castreaza


Sound placed at the end of the ray:
For now, let’s call you…


Sunet aflat la capatul razei:
Deocamdata, hai sa-ti spunem…

-Mihai Voinea-


The Dragon Screams after Polaris
Astrotipurituristic Image (Wood Sculpture) by Ionel Catalin Diaconu


(cultural promoter of SARM)


A sacred ritual of a fine day:
Two seconds travelling on an own way.

Ritual de taina si de sarbatoare
Doua secunde calatorind solid?/t?are

-Miruna Muresanu (words) and Mircea Muresanu (artwork)-



 My good father was a dragon.
Today his name is Space Station.

M-o facut maica cu-n zmeu
De-azi ii spune ISS-u


When I was born, I screamed. My eyes
Saw stars falling from the skies.

Am tipat cand m-am nascut
Toate stelele-or cazut

When I’ll die, I’ll scream too. Maybe
Stars will climb back in a hurry.

Si-o sa strig cand oi pleca
Poate doar s-or ridica

-Dan Mitrut (artworks, photos, words)-

(partner of SARM’s astropoetry movement)


If he sees stars on TV,
Thinks he knows astronomy.

El stele verzi cand vede,
Chiar astronom se crede!

I’d give you any horse of mine.
Just stellar Pegasus is fine.

Nu doreste cal sadea,
Constelatia Pegas vrea!

-Zigmund Tauberg-


To my former colleague Dr. Harald Alexandrescu (1945-2005),
a great astronomer and a protector of astropoetry

You thought the stars are your world, friend,
So now you’re a star who doesn’t end.

Fostului meu coleg Dr. Harald Alexandrescu (1945-2005),
un mare astronom si un protector al astropoeziei

Ai devenit si tu o stea,
Crezand ca ele-s lumea ta.

-Doina Chilargi-


When I was on Mars, my fad
Was to plant salads. Not red!

Foaie verde trei salate
Am plantat cand fui pe Marte.

Take me, God, in your blue skies,
To be your shepherd who cries.

Du-ma, Doamne, du-ma-n cer,
Ca sa-ti fiu stelar oier.

-Boris Marian (Mehr)-


Interior Planet
Astrotipurituristic Image (Painting) by Toma Hirth



A fine rainbow (heavenly art!)
Has solidified in my heart.

In fundul sufletului meu
Mi s-a smaltat un curcubeu.

Great Chariot, a halt for me
In stellar eternity.

Un popas in Carul Mare
Eternitatii stelare.

Picture, sonnet, epopee…
Cassiopeia. Do you see…?

Tablou, sonnet, epopee…
In cer, o Cassiopeie…

-Constantin Dumitrescu-Cunctator-


Sun - a divine sphere in flight.
Sky - a happy guffaw of light.

Soarele, sfera divina.
Cerul, hohot de lumina.

Sir Meteorite - a typhoon
Who potently holed Missis Moon.

Luna si Dom’ Meteorit.
Vai, pe ea o a gaurit!

The sky is full of bright brothers
As life is full of big bothers.

Cerul e plin de stele
Si viata, de belele.

-Florian Saioc-


“Dear comet, why do you race?”
“I’m hungry for another space.”

“Cometa, incotro zbori?’
“Mi-e sete de tot alte zari.”

A meteoroid, not too old.
Close to him, Selene isn’t cold.

Un meteoroid trece.
Nici Selena nu e rece.

Night, day, over snows or flowers,
They don’t stop: meteor showers.

(Amazed of their heavenly way,
I’m not afraid. They are away.)

Fie noapte, soare, ploaie,
Trec meteorii puhoaie.

(Foaie verde si-o sipica,
sunt departe, nu mi-e frica.)

“Hey, are you genialoids?”
“We think we are asteroids.”

(We just fly, and only God
has given us this good nod.

Our bizarre belt may contain
Lots of precious stones. But vain.)

“Or fi genialoizi?”
“Nu stiu, sunt asteroizi.”

(“Dumnezeu daca mai stie
Ce ne tine, ce ne-mbie.

Dar centura noastra poate
Sa contina nestemate.”)

-Dominic Diamant-


There’s a frightening pirate named Jack
Who sees just stars with heart attack.

Avand o barba de pirat,
El vede stele cu infarct.

-Dimitrie Olenici
(text dedicated to the Romanian astronomer Virgil V. Scurtu,
who has created a theory about “stars with infarct”)-


Best wishes to astropoetry
For all human lives that will be…

Gand bun de-astropoezie
Si-n vietile ce-au sa vie…

-Virgil V. Scurtu-

Moon Variants
Astrotipurituristic Image (Sculptures) by Nicolae Issaic

The final results of the World Astrotipuritura Championship
are as follows:
all the participants
(including also those who have preferred to express
through astrotipurituristic images
or through astrotipurituristic exceptions from the technical rules)
are declared
World Astrotipuritura Champions,
and receive the
Costica Gheorghe Spiritual Trophy.



At the same time,
because 2008 is a leap year,
all these world title-holders
are declared
Olympic Astrotipuritura Champions.

-Organizers: Steliana Gheorghe and Andrei Dorian Gheorghe-


Sunrise Seen By A Snail (Alas!)
That Runs Resolute Through The Grass
-Astrotipurituristic Image (Computer Art) by Calin Niculae

Design: Gabriel Ivanescu
© 2008 SARM
(Romanian Society for Meteors and Astronomy)