-by Andrei Dorian Gheorghe-
If you daily watch the skies
and admire both
the people and the heavenly bodies,
if you respect and use sciences, techniques, arts and poetry
as means for enriching
knowledge, generosity, feelings and creativity,
and if for you
the celebration of astronomy
does never end,
then you are a
my dear friend!
-artwork by Calin Niculae-

Dear Galileo Galilei!
Dear Great Astronomers Of All Times!
Dear Sky Lovers From All Over The World!
And so it was
the International Year of Astronomy 2009.
Following its generous call,
those who love the sky
tried to make more and to be better.
In this respect,
The Romanian Society for Meteors and Astronomy (SARM)
participated at international astronomical events,
organized events and astrophotography expeditions for official projects
of the IYA,
studied the sky of 2009,
organized its own traditional events and activities,
and made two international web superprojects:
“SARM at UNESCO-IAU-IYA under the Sign of Galileo”
and especially
“Astropoetry to the International Year of Astronomy 2009”.
At the same time
SARM was the national coordinator for the
largest global IYA 2009 projects,
100 Hours of Astronomy (with 47 Romanian local events)
and Galilean Nights (with 31 Romanian local events),
and it is impossible to leave the year 2009
without a sentimental photo-gallery
with some of those events organized in the entire territory of Romania…

Bucharest - National Children`s Palace

Bacau - Planetarium Victor Anestin

Timisoara - Antares Astroclub (photo Andrei Juravle)

Planetarium Pitesti (photo Remus Cristea)

Solca - Quantum astronomical circle

Planetarium Baia Mare and Al. Papiu Ilarian College-Zalau

Roman - “Quark de Liceu” astronomical circle

Galati - School 2, Calin Popovici Astroclub and local planetarium

Sighet - Dragos Voda College and SARM`s local astroclub

Bucharest Astroclub and Admiral Vasile Urseanu Municipal Observatory

Tecuci - Elena Doamna School

Tulcea Children Palace and Delta Orion Astroclub

Sibiu - “Regina Maria” School

Birlad - Sirius Astronomical Association and Mihai Eminescu High School

Craiova - Ion Tuculescu School

Suceava - “Stefan cel Mare” University

Targu Mures astronomical group

Bucharest - Urania Astronomical Association

Cluj - Borealis Astroclub

Oradea Fortress - 3 high schools (Aurel Lazar, Mihai Viteazul, Emanuil Gojdu)
and Meridian 0 Astroclub

Piatra Neamt - Galileo Astronomical Association

Petrila - I.D.Sirbu School

Cluj - SARM Eta Andromedae Astroclub

Falticeni - Agricultural College and Vintila Siadbei astronomical circle
“Poetry of astronomy…
always liberty!”
-Andrei Dorian Gheorghe-
References about the SARM activities in 2009 appeared
in various cultural, astronomical, scientific, literary and science fiction
publications, web sites, blogs, mailing lists, tv and radio broadcasts,
but we shall relate only to those (most of them about the evolution
of the project “Astropoetry to the International Year of Astronomy”)
from official pages of the IYA 2009.
Thus, in March 31st,
on the Forum of 100 Hours of Astronomy (the main IYA global project),
at 100HA News and Updates,
Valentin Grigore wrote (and indicated the corresponding links):
“Under the Sign of Galileo
As an introduction to 100 Hours of Astronomy in Romania,
members of the Romanian Society for Meteors and Astronomy (SARM):
-have realized a few preparatory actions,
observing the sky through the telescope in more places and
presenting 100HA on Valentin Grigore’s Us and the Sky TV Broadcast
(Columna TV - Targoviste),
and organizing a press conference in the most luxury place in Bucharest.
-have celebrated 20 issues of their series, Romanian Astrohumanism,
dedicated to the national traditions about the Cosmos
and published in Cosmopoetry - SARM and Friends (…)
-and have launched an ample photo-chronicle
(made by Valentin Grigore, Andrei Dorian Gheorghe and Florin Stancu)
of the recent IAU-UNESCO events in Paris
(which opened the International Year of Astronomy),
including sequences from the ESO stand and Mike Simmons’ lecture
about Astronomers without Borders and 100HA (…)”
In 2009 April 7th,
on the same Forum,
Valentin Grigore described 100HA in Romania
(culminating with the Targoviste festival of astronomy)
and published the first variant of Andrei Dorian Gheorghe’s
Hymn to 100 Hours of Astronomy.
In 2009 August 11th,
during a special ceremony at the International Astronomical Union
General Assembly XXVII in Rio de Janeiro (Brazil),
Mike Simmons announced officially
the 100HA Sidewalk Astronomy and Star Party Award Winners,
where SARM received the Highly Commended Award
for the Largest single registered 100 Hours of Astronomy event
(for the 100HA festival of astronomy in Targoviste).
Afterwards, in the project’s Awards page,
under Society for Meteors and Astronomy - Romania,
the organizers indicated the link to 100 Hours of Astronomy in Poetry
(a page from Astropoetry to the International Year of Astronomy).
And so, thanks to SARM and 100HA leaders,
astropoetry became a component of
the Awards page of the largest-ever astronomical public project.
In 2009 November 10th,
under the title “Electronic Astroshow” (Message 2137),
Valentin Grigore published the following text
(and indicated the corresponding link to a page from
Astropoetry to the International Year of Astronomy)
in IMO-News, the mailing list of the International Meteor Organization
(an organizational node of the IYA):
“In the International Year of Astronomy 2009, due to tragic reasons,
the 13th Astropoetry Show of the International Meteor Conferences
and the Meteor Contemporary Poetry Project
have been replaced by a special web page around the IMC 2009,
plus a mini-memorial for a great supporter of Romanian meteor lovers,
Steliana Gheorghe:
Astro-Meteor Poetry Show-Project (…)”
In 2009 November 12th,
on the HOME page of the second largest IYA 2009 global project,
Galilean Nights,
at Latest News,
Valentin Grigore described the Targoviste festival of astronomy in Romania,
two elite points being:
“Galilean Gala Show (Dambovita History Museum, Targoviste, October 24):
astromovies, astrophotography exhibition,
International Galilean Poetry Evening
(with texts received from Europe, America, Asia and Australasia),
and astrofolk music recital,
in which Galileo Galilei was performed by a SARM counselor.”
“An original and innovative web page as both
a unique homage for Galileo and an album-document,
including comments and images on Galilean Nights-Targoviste
and poetic writings dedicated to the Great Astronomer
by important astronomers and writers from 4 continents:
Galilean Poetry (…)”
In 2009 November 23rd,
on the Discussion Forum of Astronomers Without Borders
(an organizational node of IYA and co-organizer of 100 Hours of Astronomy),
Valentin Grigore and Andrei Dorian Gheorghe wrote
(and indicated the corresponding links) under the title
“SARM Expeditions for The World At Night”:
“During the International Year of Astronomy 2009,
the Romanian Society for Meteors and Astronomy-SARM realized
a few astrophotography expeditions for The World At Night (mainly)
and a few other projects of this amazing year.
As Astronomers Without Borders means in fact
astronomers without limits and a great opening,
SARM has tried to expand humanistically the wonderful spirit
of this world association-organization
by creating romantic team stories about heavens and people,
composed of photographs and poetic words.
So please visit three significant web pages:
Summer Solstice Expedition (…),
Star Party Photo-Poetry (…),
Rhapsodies of the Balkan Skies (…).
These are special pages in the original contribution of SARM to this year,
entitled Astropoetry to the International Year of Astronomy 2009 (…).”
But the most impressive references were published
(along with the corresponding links)
even on the official web site of the IYA
(patronized by the International Astronomical Union and UNESCO),
at IYA2009 Updates, as follows:
In 2009 August 14th (in no. 423):
“News from SARM, Romania
Along with its usual technical and organizational activities on astronomy
(which have culminated with a Highly Commended astronomical festival
in Tagoviste for 100 Hours of Astronomy),
the Romanian Society for Meteors and Astronomy-SARM has decided
to develop a creative vision on the International Year of Astronomy
in its astro-humanism portal Cosmopoetry -SARM and Friends (…).
Here are some samples:
Firstly, a dedication to the main Romanian astronomical jubilee in 2009:
150 years since the birth of Ion Ottescu,
the founder of Romanian astromythology,
at Romanian Astrohumanism XX (…).
Secondly, an ample photo-chronicle with poetic valences
of the IYA2009 Opening Ceremony and Symposium 260
(Paris, January 2009)
Thirdly, an international super-project
(with the participation of some leaders of international groups
of astronomy, literature and science fiction),
which follows the chronology of the sky in 2009
in an astronomical-photographic-artistic-philosophic-poetic manner,
and includes chapters and pages dedicated to a few global IYA2009 projects:
100 Hours of Astronomy, She Is An Astronomer, Dark Skies Awareness,
The World At Night (for which SARM organized
an amazing astrophotography expedition at 2500m altitude)
at Astropoetry to the International Year of Astronomy (…)”
Note: A little later, a link (entitled “V. Grigore”) to the
astropoetic photo-chronicle SARM at UNESCO-IAU-IYA under the Sign of Galileo
(made by Valentin Grigore and Andrei Dorian Gheorghe)
was included in the English version of the Home Page
of the Opening Ceremony of the International Year of Astronomy
(next to the webcast of the ceremony and 3 official album-reportages),
hosted by a web site of the Paris Observatory.
In 2009 November 20th (no. 619):
“Romanian IYA2009 enthusiasts release new web pages
The Romanian Society for Meteors and Astronomy (SARM)
has launched five new pages in its international super-project (led by
Andrei Dorian Gheorghe coordinator,
Valentin Grigore SARM President,
and Florin Stancu web designer),
continuing the sky chronology of 2009 through astrophotography, artworks,
astronomical poetry, journalism, mini-dramas, and essays,
including framing pages, pillar pages and special pages.
Astronomers and writers from all over the world have contributed to this project
(still open for the 4th Quarter issue page),
which also contains:
-Pages or chapters about activities and dedications for official IYA2009 projects:
The World At Night, Dark Skies Awareness, 100 Hours of Astronomy,
Galilean Nights, She Is An Astronomer, Cosmic Diary, Universe Awareness,
From Earth to the Universe, Galilean Satellites, Star Peace.
-Chapters dedicated to great astronomers
and international astronomical organizations.
-Pages about the most important international events
of astronomical poetry in 2009,
conceived around the International Meteor Conference
of the International Meteor Organization in Porec (Croatia),
and SARM’s Galilean Nights festival of astronomy in Targoviste (Romania).
See these pages at Astropoetry to the International Year of Astronomy (…)”
In 2010 January 18th (no. 730):
“Beyond IYA2009 with SARM in Romania
The Romanian Society for Meteors and Astronomy (SARM)
announces the launching of the last project of the project Astropoetry:
an original photo-artistic-literary chronicle of 2009
and the largest-ever astronomical poetry tribute,
with 200 participants from 6 continents,
coordinated by Andrei Dorian Gheorghe, Valentin Grigore and Florin Stancu.
More information:
-Autumn Symphonies (centred on SARM’s Astro2009 Event,
including the Closing Ceremony of
100 Hours of Astronomy and Galilean Nights in Romania)
-Memories around Astropoetry Shows (about artistic attitudes
of fascinating personalities in international astronomy)
-A Unique TV Astro-Broadcast (about Valentin Grigore’s
Noi si Cerul - Us and the Sky series on Columna TV-Targoviste,
dedicated to the IYA along 2009)
-4th Quarter 2009 (an international sky chronicle in words and images,
plus a chapter dedicated to Johannes Kepler).
All these pages at Astropoetry to the International Year of Astronomy (…)
At the same time, SARM has launched a special page in English
dedicated to the Romanian traditions about the Cosmos:
Ion Ottescu’s 1907 masterpiece
(translated by Alastair McBeath - Vice-President of the
International Meteor Organization - and Andrei Dorian Gheorghe)
Romanian Peasants’ Beliefs in Stars and Sky
(which includes an amazing folkloric list of constellations
and represents an invaluable contribution to world astromythology)
and the series Romanian Astrohumanism (…)”
These announcements were republished
in the newsletter of the European Southern Observatory
and in The Portal to the Universe (a Cornerstone project of the IYA).
And after all, in January 2010 too,
the IYA2009 Romanian single point of contact included also
on the official IYA web site,
at National Nodes next to the national flag of Romania,
three titles (and the corresponding links) to SARM works:
“SARM at UNESCO-IAU-IYA under the Sign of Galileo
A generous photo-chronicle of the introductory events
of the International Year of Astronomy
(Opening Ceremony and IAU Symposium 260)
at UNESCO in Paris, made by the President of
the Romanian Society for Meteors and Astronomy (SARM) Valentin Grigore
and Andrei Dorian Gheorghe (…)
Romanian traditions about the Cosmos
A web chapter of the Romanian Society for Meteors and Astronomy (SARM),
including Ion Ottescu’s book Romanian Peasants’ Beliefs in Stars and Sky
(translated by Alastair McBeath and Andrei Dorian Gheorghe)
and the special series Romanian Astrohumanism (…)
Astropoetry to the International Year of Astronomy
A chronology of 2009 (sky phenomena, astronomical events,
commemorations of great astronomers etc.) in images and words
made by the Romanian Society for Meteors and Astronomy (SARM)
and guests (200 contributors from 6 continents) -
Andrei Dorian Gheorghe, Valentin Grigore and Florin Stancu (…)”
The end of Astropoetry to the International Year of Astronomy
was also marked (along with the corresponding links)
on the Discussion Forum of Astronomers Without Borders
in 2010 January 29th:
“Thoughts about IYA 2009
In January 2009, at UNESCO in Paris,
we had the chance to meet Mike Simmons
and to see his lecture on Astronomers Without Borders
and the magnificent exhibition of The World At Night.
-We related about those events in
SARM at UNESCO-IAU-IYA under the Sign of Galileo (…)
Afterwards, very impressed by
the extraordinary 100 Hours of Astronomy project
and the ideals of AWB
(to unite sky lovers, amateurs and professionals, from all over the world,
and to make them give their best for astronomy and the large public),
the Romanian Society for Meteors and Astronomy (SARM)
tried to add its own contribution
to the International Year of Astronomy,
mirrored in the 15 pages of the international project
Astropoetry to the International Year of Astronomy (…)
As a form of gratitude,
we dedicated the largest chapter of this project to AWB,
at the 4th Quarter page (…)
And we end this message with the complete variant of
Andrei Dorian Gheorghe’s
Hymn to 100 Hours of Astronomy
Life in the Cosmos has scopes
Better seen through telescopes!
80 telescopes, sky meanings,
And incalculable feelings!
So much shine! How happy we are!
Today the Earth is quite a star!
Children and a telescope,
Closer dreams and much more hope.
Telescopes, computers, and skies.
Here and there, us, superior eyes.
To the glory of Sun Day,
Sunspots are quiet. O.K.!!!
The certain way for human flight:
A future richer in starlight.
We wish all of you to have a Happy Astronomical Year 2010,
Valentin Grigore and Andrei Dorian Gheorghe”
(dedication to the first event in 2010 of Beauty Without Borders,
a global project of
Astronomers Without Borders and Sidewalk Astronomers)

Mars, 2010 January 4th
Photo-collage: Lucian Curelaru

Mars, 2010 January 8th
Photo: Adrian Bruno Sonka

Mars, 2010 January 21st
Photo: Lucian Curelaru

Mars, M44 and M67, 2010 January 24th
Photo: Catalin Timosca

Mars and a Lunar Halo, 2010 January 26th
Photo: Valentin Grigore

Moon at Perigee, Mars at Opposition, and a Lunar Halo
(2010, January 29th)
Photo: Valentin Grigore

Full Moon at Perigee
and Mars at Opposition
Embraced by a Lunar Halo
(2010 January 29th)
Photo: Alex Conu

Moon at Perigee, Mars at Opposition, and Lunar Corona
(2010, January 29th)
Photo: Valentin Grigore
“When I watch the planet Mars
among fascinating stars,
my being feels the duty
to tingle with that beauty.”
-Andrei Dorian Gheorghe-
The closing ceremony of
“Astropoetry to the International Year of Astronomy 2009””
was hosted by the
Admiral Vasile Urseanu Bucharest Municipal Observatory
in 2010 January 16th
during SARM`s Astrohumanism 2010 Gala,
which also included:
-a commemoration,
160 years since the birth of the Romanian national poet Mihai Eminescu;
-a celebration,
100 years since Admiral Vasile Urseanu built this observatory;
-a mini-festival of astrophotography movies
by Valentin Grigore;
-a mini-workshop,
Astromemories 2009 and Astroperspectives 2010;
-a Steliana Gheorghe memorial.

Bucharest Municipal Observatory,
an architectural masterpiece in the form of a yacht
(and an edifice for “Astronomy and World Heritage”),
built 100 years ago in the central zone of the Capital of Romania
by Admiral Vasile Urseanu,
President of the first Romanian astronomical society
(founded by Victor Anestin in 1908)
Photo: Valentin Grigore

Close to the Admiral Vasile Urseanu Observatory
Photo: Valentin Grigore

Closer to the Admiral Vasile Urseanu Observatory
Photo: Valentin Grigore

A painting with Admiral Vasile Urseanu and His Wife
Photo: Valentin Grigore

In the Admiral Vasile Urseanu Observatory
Photo: Valentin Grigore

Old Lunette Bertha
Photo: Valentin Grigore

Valentin Grigore (President of SARM)
Photo: Adrian Apostol

Magda Stavinschi (IYA2009 single point of contact for Romania)
and Andrei Dorian Gheorghe (coordinator of
Astropoetry to the International Year of Astronomy 2009)
Photo: Valentin Grigore

Valentin Grigore presents his astrophotography movies
Photo: Adrian Apostol

Andrei Dorian Gheorghe
and a picture with his beloved mother Steliana Gheorghe
Photo: Valentin Grigore

Bucharest astropoetry dream team and SARM`s President:
Andrei Dorian Gheorghe, Ion(ut) Moraru, Irina Cristescu,
Dominic Diamant, Valentin Grigore and Victor Chifelea
Photo: Gruia Calin

More participants at SARM`s Astrohumanism 2010 Gala
(Andrei Dorian Gheorghe keeps in his hands pictures with his departed parents
Steliana and Costica Gheorghe;
in the centre of the image, his aunt “Tanti Sila”)
Photo: Valentin Grigore

Astropoets and astrophotographers, project pillars and organizers:
Catalin Paduraru “Sarpe”, Gruia Calin, Irina Cristescu,
Adrian Bruno Sonka (observatory coordinator), Dana Chirgoaga,
Alex Conu, Dominic Diamant, Valentin Grigore,
Andrei Dorian Gheorghe and Victor Chifelea
Photo: Adrian Apostol
“A pedestal
or nothing more natural:
in a temple of astronomy!”
-Andrei Dorian Gheorghe-
But the things did not stop here.
In the beginning of 2010,
Astropoetry to the International Year of Astronomy
was officially proposed for the
IYA 2009 Mani Bhaumik Prize
for Excellence in Astronomy Education and Public Outreach
by the IYA2009 single point of contact for Romania
(and former President of IAU Commission 46),
Dr. Magda Stavinschi.
Here are some of the motivations.
From “Objectives of the project:
-to realize a unique mirror of the IYA by bringing together
sky phenomena, astronomical events and history,
and watching them by the eyes of the soul;
-to encourage and stimulate the creativity inspired by astronomy;
-to enrich the visions on astronomy;
-to complete in a humanist manner the outlook of the IYA…”
From “Educational/outreach material:
Astropoetry to the International Year of Astronomy 2009 is itself
an educational/outreach international complex material
by giving permanently visual, technical and sentimental elements
able to show the beauty of the heavens
and to attract the large public to astronomy.”
From “Budget:
Astropoetry to the International Year of Astronomy has both
the merit and the particularity that did not involve special costs,
because it depended totally on the enthusiasm and personal sacrifices
of the organizational team
(a coordinator, a counsellor and a web designer-master),
on a side,
and by the receptivity of the contributors,
on the other side.”
From “Implementation/results:
Astropoetry to the International Year of Astronomy 2009
was directed by Andrei Dorian Gheorghe (coordinator),
Valentin Grigore (President of SARM)
and Florin Stancu (web designer-master),
and based on an old nucleus of astronomers, writers, photographers and artists
(created in the last years around SARM's astrohumanistic web site
Cosmopoetry - SARM and Friends;
its implementation attracted step by step many other contributors of all ages,
touching finally almost 200 contributors from 27 countries
from 6 continents.”
From “Evaluation strategy:
Astropoetry to the International Year of Astronomy
offers a complex model
of technical-humanist visions that can be followed and applied
by any astronomical organization around any sky phenomenon
and around any astronomical event.
It is generally a moving opera of popularizing astronomy
and particularly the largest-ever tribute of astronomical poetry.
It remains as a spiritual photo-poetic-chronicle of the IYA,
as an original document in astronomy history,
and as a triumph of free passion for astronomy.”
And here is an excerpt from the written dialogue
between the two IYA2009 officials who materialized
this (historical for astropoetry) nomination:
“I attached my proposal for a prize which could be won
by an original and successful project called
Astropoetry to the International Year of Astronomy 2009.”
-Magda Stavinschi (Romania, President 2006-2009 of the
International Astronomical Union Commission 46
Astronomy Education and Development)
“Thank you for your submission
to the IYA2009 Mani Bhaumik Prize.
Everything looks fine…”
-Mariana Barrosa (Portugal,
International Year of Astronomy 2009
Coordination Assistant)
The project’s moral:
Astropoetry is a heavenly body
in the constellation Astronomy!
-photo by Valentin Grigore-

But the inertia of the International Year of Astronomy
still continued in the first months of 2010…
the IYA2009 Earth and Sky contest of astrophotography
(organized by The World At Night and Dark Skies Awareness,
with over 200 entries from over 30 countries)
announced 10 Winners (5 for each of its 2 sections),
among them being the President of SARM, Valentin Grigore,
and the former Secretary-General of SARM, Cristina Tinta-Vass.

In 2010, March 4th, the IYA2009 official web site
(entitled now Beyond International Year of Astronomy 2009)
announced the Awards for the Galilean Nights project.
Let’s imagine a global project
initiated by UNESCO
and the International Astronomical Union,
and powered by the European Space Agency
and the European Southern Observatory,
with over 600000 participants and over 1600 events in 88 countries,
in which:
-USA gave 155 events.
-Mexico achieved the Guinness World Record for the most people stargazing.
-A society from Ukraine collected, during its astronomical event,
funds for children with problems of health.
-A foundation and a planetarium from Portugal simulated a dinner on Mars.
-A society from Brazil organized an astronomical caravan through 5 cities.
-In more poor countries, there were many people
who looked for the first time through the telescope.
-A famous American-transnational company of informatics
created a virtual isle of astronomy, etc.
In this extraordinary context, the most important Award was announced
(by Pedro Russo - Portugal, IYA2009 Coordinator -
and Catherine Moloney - U.K., Galilean Nights Chair)
as follows:
“Outstanding Galilean Nights Event
Winner: “Galilean Nights Festival at Targoviste” run by SARM -
The Romanian Society for Meteors and Astronomy.
This truly spectacular event attracted around 3200 attenders.
The organizers really went above and beyond by arranging for a press conference
and a special live TV broadcast.
And so,
through the Galilean Gala Show at the Dambovita History Museum
and the Galilean Poetry web page,
included in the Galilean Nights Festival at Targoviste,
astropoetry became a part of this glorious Award for public astronomy,
given by the highest world instances in culture and astronomy for the first time
after 400 years of Galilean astronomical legacy.
“Magic Galilean Nights on Earth
a new beginning of permanence
illumination vibration and creation
homo cosmicus’ spiritual effervescence”
-Andrei Dorian Gheorghe-

The cover of a coming CD
(made by Valentin Grigore and Alexandru Sebastian Grigore)
including the 2 original astropoetry web superprojects of SARM
for the International Year of Astronomy 2009
