visited by International Meteor Conference participants
in 1997-2008
Text: Andrei Dorian Gheorghe
Design: Florin Stancu

IMC 2008 participants in the “Maximilian Hell” Planetarium and Observatory, Slovakia
Photo: Rainer Arlt (Germany)
Between 1997 and 2008 I had the chance to participate
(as a member of the SARM delegation)
at 12 consecutive editions of the International Meteor (Organization) Conference.
Some of our hosts organized visits to a few active (old or modern)
astronomical monuments,
so we could find more about the
Why should we not consider the astronomical observatory
of the Petnica universitary center (80 km from Belgrade)
as a Serbian parliament of young astronomers?

IMC 1997 participants at Petnica
Photo: Valentin Grigore
Why should we not consider the Skalnate Pleso Observatory
in the Tatra Mountains
as a Slovak fortress of astronomy?

IMC 1998 participants climbing to Skalnate Pleso
Photo: Valentin Grigore
Why should we not consider the observatory of the Associazione Romana Astrofili
(50 km from Rome)
as a modern bastion of the goddess Urania?

IMC 1999 participants at ARA observatory
Photo: Valentin Grigore
Why should we not consider the monastery of Frombork,
where Copernicus lived and studied in the 15th century,
as a Polish temple of astronomical freedom?

Foucault Pendulum demonstration for IMC 2002 participants in Frombork
Photo: Casper ter Kuile (Holland)
Why should we not consider Planetarium Varna
at the Black Sea
as a Bulgarian palace of astronomy?

IMC 2004 participants at Planetarium Varna
Photo: Casper ter Kuile (Holland)
Why should we not consider the Zimmer Tower
in the town of Lier
as a Belgian astronomical tribunal of time?

IMC 2005 participants in Lier
Photo: Valentin Grigore
Why should we not consider the Radio Telescope
in Westerbork
as a Dutch astronomical opera hall for listening to cosmic music?

IMC 2006 participants in Westerbork
Photo: Casper ter Kuile (Holland)
Why should we not consider the prototype station
as a Dutch field sowed with antennas for astronomical food?

IMC 2006 participants at LOFAR
Photo: Urijan Poerink (Holland)
Why should we not consider the Pic du Midi Observatory
in Pyrenees
as a French dome of astronomy?

IMC 2007 participants at Pic du Midi
Photo: Valentin Grigore
Why should we not consider the “Maximilian Hell” Planetarium and Observatory
in the Banska Bystrica district
as a Slovak theatre for roles of heavenly bodies?

IMC2008 participants at Planetarium Maximilian Hell
Photo: Casper ter Kuile (Holland)
Most of the photographs were first published by the International Meteor Organization.
© 2009 SARM
(Romanian Society for Meteors and Astronomy)