- a collection of verses selected and translated by
Andrei Dorian Gheorghe
and first published in SARM’s magazine
Noi si Cerul - Us and the Sky, 2-3 (14-15)/1999;
this issue was launched at "EuRoEclipse Perseids" (August 1999),
an international event organized by SARM
and Total Solar Eclipse 1999 Canadian firm,
with participants come from 4 continents -

The Sun defeats all stars…
-Nicolae Olahus (1499-1568)-

You, golden lights, Sun and Moon,
You will darken lights, you will lose your coronets…

-Miron Costin (1630-1691)-

This sensitive sun, rising from the earth,
becomes the cause of so much goodness…

-Antim Ivireanu (1650-1715)-

Let the wind bring foggy darkness,
Let the Sun lose his teeth,
Let the Moon be ashamed…

-Dimitrie Cantemir (1683-1723)-

Your face gives beams
To the sun, and lightens him…

-Ienachita Vacarescu (1740-1797)-

Like a flower
Always returning to the Sun…
-Alecu Vacarescu (1769-1799)-

The brilliant sun, surrounded by beams
As the throne of God, stayed in the canopy of heaven
As the watchful eye of he who created the world…

-Costache Stamati (1786-1869)-

Brilliant Helium, suns, principles of light,
Focuses, archicentres of beams and splendour…
-Ion Heliade Radulescu (1802-1873)-

Oh! Sun! Joy, life, rejuvenation!
Ornament of the worlds, smile of the sky,
Magic pioneer of flying wings,
Open master of singing voices,
You drive away nightmares, concerns, bad thoughts,
You absorb shadows and collect stars…
Splendid eye, closing the whole world in yourself!
I adore your light, I bow down to your name…
-Vasile Alecsandri (1821-1890)-

He, who looks for spots, finds them even in the Sun.
-Bogdan Petriceicu-Hasdeu (1838-1907)

The Sun - golden child of the sacred blue sea…
-Mihai Eminescu (1850-1889)-

The Morning Star in the sky
Is beloved for its brilliance,
But it sets and disappears
When the Sun rises.

-Veronica Micle (1850-1889)-

The Sun is proud today, but will become sad and red,
Closing himself like a wound among the dark clouds…

-Mihai Eminescu (1850-1899)-

Oh! Let every soul be free in its own perihelion…
-Alexandru Macedonski (1854-1920)-

You, sun… you alone are the being of life
and the altar of the world.

-George Cosbuc (1866-1918)-

But up there, the divine sun grandiosely shines
And enthusiastically overflows a glorious way.
Cascades of light and torrents of ardour
Share out life to the worlds…
-Alexandru Anestin (1908, Orion magazine, Bucharest)-

We enter
To lunch
Into the pantry of the Sun -
Wedding sponsor and star…

-Ion Barbu (1895-1961)-



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