Dedication to the creators of the EURONEAR Project,
Ovidiu Vaduvescu and Mirel Birlan

- by SARM’s Astropoetry Master Club -

Coordinator: Andrei Dorian Gheorghe
Design: Florin Stancu

Artwork (1997) by Calin Niculae

-by Florian Saioc-

Every day I see you
(Just like in your high dreams)
Flying on a boulder
Among the astral beams.

-by Ion(ut) Moraru-

Between Mars and Jupiter,
chilly asteroids are dancing.

Millions of years ago,
two of them fell in love,
but they collided one another.

The resulted asteroid (their child)
deviated and waltzed,
touching the Earth
and extinguishing life here.

From that hit,
people could appear…

-by Zigmund Tauberg-

Eros, who shares love,
Passes close to Terra,
And only one thing I have to say:
‘Do not hit us, just go away.’

-by Dan Mitrut-

morose rock

your rugged look
and your tread on torrents of fear
have pushed you so far away,
so bitterly…

we have only a planet
and a view of old constellations

too much silence for you

the sharp bullet in the fire sky,
a story with atlantidas and dinosaurs…

that is what we carry
in our genetic code

morose rock

-by Andrei Dorian Gheorghe-

My Dear Asteroid:
I’d be so happy to fly
like you, without wings

-by Victor Chifelea-

Billions of eyes, billions of gazes
follow scared the canopy of heavens
trying to find the angle
whence it may appear

It hasn’t the genial twinkle of a star,
it hasn’t the respectability of a planet,
it is just a space pilgrim, a vision
wandering the ways known only by itself

Forgotten in stardust,
it suddenly rises from nowhere,
thrilling all around
with its menacing prophecy

But this time it is calm
feeling death’s breath,
lots of souls waiting for
their destiny.

The asteroid passed,
that civilization remains.

-by Valentin Grigore-

Children of the solar system
provoke emotions in the earthlings’ minds
when some of them
leave their play space,
transgressing the rules
of the orbital traffic.

-by Dominic Diamant-

Maybe I’m guilty I don’t know my past,
maybe my origin is divine,
maybe I come from the unknown dust
of the stars disappeared
in great explosions and implosions
which appalled the Universe

Whoever I am,
with my rough genesis
and my cheerless image,
I know my sense
and haven’t thoughts of glory
because my brotherly cohorts,
in their interplanetary activity,
live finely
in a superb harmony,
incredible even for me.

The whole planetary system looks
at the show between Mars and Jupiter,
and nobody can accuse us
of vanity…

Flying all the time on the same belt,
a pure adventure is my destiny.

-by Irina Cristescu-

Asteroid from the beginning of times,
planetary embryo,
you have remained a testimony
for what was and what will be…

I lowered through my dream
to your gate
and you opened it
with stardust…

-by Boris Marian-

A lot of people
say that
a stunted asteroid passed
close to our Earth.

(A few time ago
Mr. Jupiter had told me
that the suspect was upset
with proud Mars.)

‘Stay calm, nobody comes from the skies
to close your restless, fascinated eyes.’

Asteroid 2007 TU24 (which passed at over 500,000km distance from the Earth);
2008 January 31, between 22.43 UT and 22.46 UT
Image taken at “Admiral Vasile Urseanu” Bucharest Municipal Observatory
by its coordinator Adrian Bruno Sonka (also an observer for the EURONEAR Project)



Was this asteroid a danger for the Earth?

Adrian Bruno Sonka:

Think that you are the Earth,
and a dust grain passes at about 50m distance from you.
Would you feel in danger?

(from a Romanian TV broadcasting)

Photo: Gabriel Ivanescu


-de Florian Saioc-

Eu zi de zi si an de an
Asa ca-n visurile tale
Te vad zburand pe-un bolovan
Prin nesfarsirile astrale.

-de Ion(ut) Moraru-

Intre drumurile lui Marte si Jupiter
Tot danseaza asteroizi in mare frig.

Cu milioane de ani in trecut
Doi dintre ei s-au iubit,
Dar s-au ciocnit si s-au ciobit.

Asteroidul rezultat (copilul lor)
A deviat, a tot valsat,
Pana de Pamant a dat
Si viata el a stins aici.

Iar din aceasta izbitura
Omul a putut s-apara…

-de Zigmund Tauberg-

Eros ce dragoste imparte
Spre Terra trece-n apropiere
Si doar un lucru am a-i cere:
‘Nu ne ciocni, treci mai departe!’

-de Dan Mitrut-

piatra ursuza

cautatura ta colturoasa
si mersul pe siroaie de frica
te-au dus asa departe,
asa amara

noi nu aveam decat o planeta
si-un peisaj de constelatii mosnege

ti s-a parut prea mult, prea liniste

glontul ascutit, prin cerul de foc,
o poveste cu atlantide si dinozauri…

asta purtam
in codul genetic,

piatra ursuza

-de Andrei Dorian Gheorghe-

Drag Asteroid,
mi-as dori sa zbor ca tine,
fara aripi

-de Victor Chifelea-

Miliarde de ochi, miliarde de priviri
urmaresc cu anxietate bolta.
Incearca sa afle cu sufletul la gura
care-i unghiul spatial de unde poate sa apara.

Nu are sclipirea de geniu a unei stele
si nici respectabilitate de planeta
asteroidul, pelerinul spatial,
naluca ce colinda doar pe caile de el stiute.

De multe ori uitat in pulberea stelara
rasare dintr-o data de niciunde
facand sa se infiorareze-ntreaga fire
cu prevestirea-i amenintatoare

Se linisteste insa de-asta data,
simtind doar rasuflarea mortii,
puzderia de suflete
ce-si asteapta destinul.

Asteroidul a trecut,
civilizatia ramane

-de Valentin Grigore-

Copii ai Sistemului Solar
dau emotii pamantenilor
atunci cand unii dintre ei
parasesc spatiul de joaca
incalcand regulile
de circulatie orbitala.

-de Dominic Diamant-

Ca nu-mi cunosc trecutul, mi-s de vina,
poate ca sunt de-obarsie divina,
poate ma trag din pulberi nestiute
coaguland in stele disparute
in marile explozii si implozii
care cutremurara antipozii.

Oricine-as fi, geneza mea - oricare -,
Oricat de necioplita vi se pare
imaginea-mi atat de ne-mplinita,
eu imi cunosc menirea, nu m-agita
cotropitoare ganduri de marire
caci pe orbita-mi, poate sa va mire -
cohortele fraterne-si desfasoara
activitatea interplanetara
intr-o desavarsita armonie
ce-mi pare incredibila chiar mie.

Dar tot sistemul planetar ia parte
la show-ul dintre Jupiter si Marte
si nimenea, niciun motiv nu are
pentru-a ne acuza de infatuare…

Destinul meu in zborul pe centura
E-o vesnica si pura aventura.

-de Irina Cristescu-

Asteroid de inceput de timpuri
embrion de planeta
ai ramas lumii marturie
pentru ce-a fost si va sa fie...

Am coborat prin vis
la tine-n poarta
si mi-ai deschis
cu praf de stele…

-de Boris Marian-

Zice lumea cu glas sfant
Ca pe-aproape de Pamant
Pricajit discret si mic
Trecu un asteroid.

Am aflat inca de ieri
De la mandrul Jupiter
Ca suspectul oale sparte
Isi platea cu mandrul Marte.

‘Linistiti sa fiti, nu vine
Din cer nimeni pentru crime.’



A fost Asteroidul 2007 TU 24 un pericol pentru Pamant?

Adrian Bruno Sonka:

Ganditi-va ca dumneavoastra sunteti Pamantul
si un fir de praf trece la 50 de metri de dumneavoastra.
V-ati simti in pericol?

(dintr-o emisiune romaneasca de televiziune)

© 2008 SARM
(Romanian Society for Meteors and Astronomy)