“On a foot of dreamland,
On a mouth of Heaven…”
-from Miorita
(the Romanian national myth-ballad)-

A photographic poem by Gabriel Ivanescu
on his 2007 expedition to Gura Portitei (Little Gate Mouth), Romania

Astro-Haiku Guests:
Zigmund Tauberg, Andrei Dorian Gheorghe,
Valentin Grigore and Dominic Diamant

Special Astro-Haiku Guest: Gerald England (U.K.)



Our skies -
realms of
beauty and love
-Zigmund Tauberg-

It does matter how much
we can leave ourselves
ennobled by the sky’s greatness.
-Valentin Grigore-

earth and sky
connection and mirage
heart and soul
-Andrei Dorian Gheorghe-



radiant sky
thirty-four thousand colours
-Gerald England (U.K.)-



We live or die
just as we love
the stars of the canopy
-Dominic Diamant-


© 2007 SARM
(Romanian Society for Meteors and Astronomy)