A cosmopoetic dialogue by
Dominic Diamant (Don Quixote of Dejhagascar)
and Andrei Dorian Gheorghe (Spaceman Sazartinus)
Images by Calin Niculae
Design by Gabriel Ivanescu


when we spend long moments of reverie
and cosmic, ecstatic adventures,
gamboling with comets,
harassing meteors,
trifling tenderly and enthusiastically
with lonely heavenly bodies,
loving crazily
the brightest stars,

When, between two
glasses of cold and foamy beer,
we don’t care of
time that passes

Only God could know
who we are

Maybe unreal beings
on a parallel way
or maybe just mysterious photons
that shatter the silence of clay

-Dominic Diamant-


I know that a monstrous human system
imprisoned you because
you always believed in the celestial system
that offers light and love

That’s why your sweet garden
named Dejhagascar
is a cosmic tear of hope
and a sparkle of high mercy

That’s why among your flowers
serene and wonderful stars come here
and call us from our resignations
without coercion and fear

-Andrei Dorian Gheorghe-




Cand noi, Sazartinus, petrecem
clipe lungi de eres si extatice
peripetii siderale
harjonindu-ne cu comete,
hartuind meteori,
flirtand cu aplomb cu tandrete
cu singuratice astre,
iubindu-ne pan’ la uitare
cu stelele stralucitoare

Cand, intre doua pahare
de bere spumoasa si rece
unde ne-aflam, nu ne pasa
nici chiar de vremea ce trece

Doar Dumnezeu de mai stie
din ce plamada suntem

Poate Hikikomori
din cealalta parte a lumii
sau poate ca tainici fotoni
ce spulbera linistea humii

-Dominic Diamant-


Donchi, stiu ca un
sistem omenesc monstruos
te-a inchis pentru vina
de-a crede-n sistemul celest
care ofera lumina

De-aceea gradina ta dulce
numita Dejagaskar
este o lacrima cosmica
si o scanteie de har

De-aceea aici, printre flori,
senine stele maiastre
ne cheama fara sfiala
din resemnarile noastre

-Andrei Dorian Gheorghe-

© 2007 SARM
(Romanian Society for Meteors and Astronomy)